Welcome to Canterbury Christ Church University and thank you for choosing to live in our accommodation for the next year.


Inside this handbook is useful information for you as a resident. Please take the time to have a good read-through and make sure you understand all the obligations and responsibilities that come with moving away from home. It’s a guide to independent living and should help you ease the transition into student life, including a list of contacts to gain advice, support or guidance whilst staying with us.

We hope you have an amazing time and look forward to getting your feedback about your experience at Christ Church in our annual National Student Housing Survey at the end of your stay.

Accommodation Licence

The Accommodation Licence Agreement that you’ve accepted is a legal contract between you and the University. It lays out clearly the obligations that you have as a licence holder in the accommodation and the obligations that the University has to you. The minimum duration of the agreement between the University and the Student is for the Licence Period stated in your Summary of Offer.

You MUST read the Licence Agreement to fully understand these obligations. The Student Accommodation Handbook forms part of your License Agreement.

Preparing to move in

Online induction

Your online induction will be available approximately 21 days before you arrive. This will guide you through instructions on how to book your arrival date and time.

What we provide within your accommodation.

In all student accommodation, we provide a fridge, freezer, electric kettle, cooker, microwave, vacuum cleaner, toaster, iron and ironing board. Additionally, washing machines are provided where not offered communally. Rooms are supplied with a mattress and bed base, wardrobe, desk and computer chair, bookshelf, notice board, curtains or blinds, floor covering, lampshade, waste paper bin and electrical and TV sockets.

Although we do our best to ensure your room is ready for you, the Arrival Inventory Form is your opportunity to record if there is anything that is missing or damaged and take photos if possible. If we don’t receive your completed room inspection form within 7 days of arrival, we’ll assume that all decoration, fixtures, fittings and other inventory items meet our letting standard.

At the end of your licence period, you will be asked to complete a Departure Inventory Form. We will then carry out an inspection, and taking into account any fair wear and tear, you'll be invoiced for any missing or damaged items.

What to bring

You’ll need to bring a duvet, pillows and bed linen. Details of the bed size in your room will normally be available on the individual site web page.

You will also need to bring items such as:

  • towels
  • tea towels
  • crockery
  • cutlery
  • saucepans
  • cleaning materials for keeping the kitchen, bathroom and your bedroom clean and tidy.

Supplied Appliances

Your kitchen will come supplied with all the appliances you need such as kettle, microwave, hob, oven, iron and ironing board etc. Instruction manuals have been uploaded to the web pages and are located here but if something goes missing, or you cannot find what you are looking for please contact housekeeping@canterbury.ac.uk who will be able to provide you with any appliance manuals.

To find out more about the Housekeeping team click this link.

  • Certain appliances, such as air fryers, are permitted within accommodation. We recommend you to purchase any kitchen appliances once you have arrived and as a flat rather than an individual.
    • This is to prevent any issues with other students using your appliances without permission.
    • It also helps to reduce any potential fire hazards and social issues associated with having multiple of the same appliances taking up kitchen space. 

You can purchase goods and get them delivered here before you arrive, by going to UniKitOut. Please use our discount code 'CCCU10' to get 10% off your order. However only do this once you have received and accepted your accommodation offer, as they will need your accommodation address details.

Toilet rolls are not provided in ensuite rooms and shared toilets, although there will be one as part of your welcome pack when you arrive.

All bedrooms have a notice board so that you can put up pictures and posters. Please ensure that you don’t affix any posters, pictures or any other items to the walls in your accommodation as you will be charged for any redecoration needed.

What not to bring - kitchen items

Cooking equipment that is not permitted and which you should not bring with you or purchase includes the following items. If you have a combination appliance where one of the below functions is included, that appliance will not be allowed, e.g. an air fryer (permitted) with a dehydrator function (not permitted). Appliances must be 5L or less:

  • Mini fridges - medical requests for mini fridges can be made with the Disability team
  • BBQs
  • Chip fryers
  • Slow cookers
  • Rice cookers
  • Ovens
  • Hot plates/portable stove tops/portable grills (e.g. George Foreman)
  • Dehydrators
  • Pressure cookers
  • Cooking blowtorches
  • Rotisserie cookers/kebab cookers
  • Bread machines

What not to bring - other items

Other items that are not permitted and which you should not bring with you or purchase include:

  • Candles, tea lights and incense sticks
  • Fairy lights or LED strips
  • E-Scooters, E-Bikes and Hoverboards
  • 3D Printers
  • Drones
  • Oil and electric heaters
  • Electric Blankets
  • Block adapters or non surge protected extension leads
  • Smoking equipment such as pipes and ashtrays
  • Dartboards
  • Weapons of any description either real or replica
  • Drugs or any other psychoactive substances
  • Large items of furniture or equipment such as white goods are not allowed in student accommodation for health and safety reasons
  • Pets of any description are also not allowed

Moving in and the first few weeks

Student Standing in Accommodation Doorway

Key collection

In all cases, you’ll be given information about where to collect your key in the e-induction.

Please take care not to lose your keys or access card. Replacements are available from Security, but a charge of up to £150 could be payable as in some cases, it may be necessary to change your lock which will incur an additional charge.

For those who have been offered on-site parking, a deposit of £30 will be required for the parking fob which will only be refunded once the fob has been returned.

Do not give your keys to anyone else: keep them safe.

Keys will be only be available for collection on your booked slot.

Adjusting to your new home

Going to University is a challenging and exciting experience with lots of opportunities, but many students find adjusting to a new environment can be difficult. We provide accommodation for a diverse range of students from different backgrounds and expect you to be tolerant and flexible in your dealings with the other students you will be living with.

The first few weeks at University are likely to be different from what you are used to and you may find things overwhelming at first.

We would like you to feel comfortable and settled in your accommodation and regard it as your home. However, please be mindful that appropriate attire must be worn when collecting post or visiting the reception areas in the residences.

If you find that you need information, please contact the University’s i-zone as the central information point of contact for all students.

If you need advice, support or guidance, please contact our Student Wellbeing Services. Our Student Wellbeing Services are here should you need someone to talk to. For instance, you can book a chat with our Student Wellbeing Advisors. Their friendly service is free, impartial, non-judgmental and confidential.

Living together

The majority of students in our accommodation share facilities and therefore need to collectively organise certain tasks. We strongly suggest that during the first week you sit down with house/flatmates and confirm ground rules regarding noise, study times, guests and the sharing of personal belongings.

Within your first few weeks you will get to meet with your Residence Officer who is based on your accommodation site. We also have Student Accommodation Champions (2nd or 3rd-year students who live in university accommodation) to offer advice and guidance on living together.


You are responsible for the behaviour of your guests and these guests will be expected to comply with all Terms and Conditions of your Licence Agreement when they are in the accommodation.

Guests must not be left in accommodation unaccompanied. Residents are limited to one overnight guest for no longer than two nights in any one calendar week (Mondays to Sundays), and there must be a break of at least two nights between visits. Any guest, day or night, must be signed in with the residence Security staff by 10pm or leave by 10pm. Where there is no site office, please sign into the site where you picked up your keys when you first arrived.

Keeping it clean

It is in everyone’s interests to maintain a clean, hygienic and safe environment. All residents are responsible for the cleanliness of their own bedrooms and en-suite rooms.

It is the responsibility of all residents in the flat/house to keep the kitchen clean, making sure that it’s clear of washing up and food waste. All rubbish, both recycling and landfill, must be taken to outside bins daily (before they overflow). Cleaning the kitchen also includes making sure that the grill pan, oven and microwave are clean regularly and that the fridge freezer is kept clean and free of ice.

Members of our Housekeeping team will regularly inspect kitchens, shared bathrooms and communal areas (internal and external) to ensure that they are kept to a good and clean standard. We provide a cleaning rota so that all residents are aware of what is expected. If, after a number of warnings it is still unacceptable, our team will contact all residents to resolve the issues. It is therefore important to make sure that you talk to your housemates and keep to the rota given to you. Please note that Canterbury is a high limescale area and you must not mix bleaching and descale products as mixing the two products produces a chlorine gas which could be fatal.

Causes of friction

Life in student residences has many advantages and can give you the opportunity to meet new people and make new friends. However, there are lots of people around you and everything you do affects them and small tensions can become problems. Common causes of conflict include:

  • Playing music too loudly, particularly with a high level of bass, and especially after 11:00 pm. Remember everyone has the right to expect to sleep at night without disturbance.
  • Having noisy friends in your room, especially late at night.
  • Having friends constantly over to your accommodation without consulting flatmates.
  • Clattering around in rooms, corridors or kitchens, and banging doors, especially fire doors.
  • Leaving dirty dishes, food and rubbish lying around.
  • Playing ‘pranks’ on others, for example hiding belongings or taking food or borrowing kitchen items belonging to a housemate.

Please be considerate towards your housemates. You can make friends for life at university, and at Christ Church Equity and Inclusion are central to our ethos and underpin everything that we do.


Noise can be a particular problem when so many people live in close proximity to each other.

Residents must not make excessive noise between the hours of 11pm and 7am. Noise should be at a sensible level at all other times. Requests to turn down music should be responded to in a positive manner. Unacceptable noise outside these hours will be treated as a serious breach of Terms and Conditions and may lead to early termination of your Licence.

Excessive noise is the greatest source of friction, both internally between residents in block accommodation and with the wider community. Avoid slamming doors, having loud discussions in your room or kitchen, shouting in corridors or out of the window. Be particularly mindful of noise you may make when returning home after a night out.


If you are having problems with your accommodation, another student or a neighbour, then mediation may be a way of resolving disputes in these and other areas of conflict.

Mediation is a voluntary process where parties can resolve their differences with the guidance of an impartial mediator. The Accommodation Team are happy to arrange mediation meetings between residents, or you can visit the Mediation Clinic for more contact information.

During your stay with us in the accommodation, staff are available to advise you when you want to raise a query or note concern about anything in your accommodation. It is important that you feel able to talk to us if you feel unhappy or dissatisfied about any aspect of your accommodation. If you inform us at the earliest opportunity, quite often matters can be dealt with informally and promptly. However, if you feel you need to make a formal complaint if you are still dissatisfied, please see the Accommodation Complaints Procedure.

If you are unhappy with another student’s behaviour we ask that you try and talk to them informally first in an open manner. If this does not work please contact us in accommodation or security, and we will look at the options including mediation if suitable.

What you need to know


Your Internet is provided by the University.

The Wi-Fi service we provide is called “Eduroam” and once connected, is available throughout your accommodation, on campus, as well as at other universities, colleges, museums and libraries around the world

For more information, you can browse our ResNet FAQs and for guidance please contact the i-zone.

Please ensure you are familiar with the IT Provision for Students on Campus, as well as looking at Student Terms and Conditions – Information Services.

Students and the TV Licence

In some of our accommodation we provide TVs in communal areas. Where we provide TVs, we ensure that a TV Licence is in place to cover its use. Please note however, that you will still require your own TV Licence should you have a TV set in your bedroom, and full information on this can be found on the TV Licensing webpages. You must be covered by a TV Licence to:

This could be on any device, including a TV, desktop computer, laptop, mobile phone, tablet, games console, digital box or DVD recorder.

Please be aware that as a result of geographical location, TV reception in some of the residences can be poor. You can find out further information on digital reception here.

Smart TVs

Some accommodation contains smart TVs in communal areas instead of standard TVs . Where smart TVs are provided, we kindly request that when using a shared smart device in common areas you use only your individual University credentials for access. It is important to avoid allowing others to use your credentials, as this may result in you being held responsible for any policy breaches or unauthorised activity associated with the shared credentials. For further guidance, please view the University’s Core Regulations for use of IT.

For all smart TVs, we still ensure that a TV Licence is in place to cover its use.

Registering to Vote

Don’t forget that if you wish to vote you will need to register on the Electoral Register, which you can do by going online and visiting the local council website.

Post and Parcel Deliveries

Post is delivered to your Security Reception, or direct to your house/flat post-box, (Monday to Saturday). Please ensure that all post is fully addressed, to include your room and flat/ house number.

Please note at Lanfranc parcel delivery drivers will call their flat number on the intercom and students are required to please answer and collect their parcel from the entrance gates.

We have limited storage at our site offices, and so we request that you make your own arrangements for parcel deliveries, e.g. local Amazon lockers.

When leaving the accommodation, arrange to have your post redirected and update your change of address. Post and deliveries for residents who have left will be refused or returned to sender. 

CCTV and 24-hour Security

We take pride in providing a safe and welcoming environment at all of our accommodation sites.

CCTV is installed in some areas of the accommodation for your security and safety. This is carefully managed by us to ensure residents’ privacy.

Most accommodation has 24-hour Security onsite. For locations without 24-7 Security, or in case of emergencies or first aid issues, please call Security on 01227 922111. For all general enquiries please call 01227 922355 or contact the Security Officers on-site if you have a reception.

The Security Officers have disciplinary powers and any residents who ignore warnings from them may be subject to further disciplinary action from the University. To ensure overall safety, Security Officers have the power to stop and request ID from any resident or person in the accommodation. Security is everyone’s concern and it is also yours and your flat mates’ responsibility to ensure that you are all living in a secure and safe environment.


Residents’ belongings are covered by a block insurance policy. This provides cover for loss or damage to belongings from theft, fire or flood. Look at the Certificate of Insurance for further details to check the cover is adequate for all your possessions, especially if you have specialist equipment or anything of particular value.

As part of the online induction process, you will be provided with a live link to the insurance induction page. This will provide you with your policy details, how to claim additional insurance cover that you may wish to purchase.

The University advises that valuables are not brought into residencies unless it is essential to do so. If this is the case, you should make every effort to ensure that they are kept safe, secure and appropriately stored.


All of our accommodation includes laundry facilities, either in the kitchen or in a card-operated facility nearby. Some sites have access to an App that you can download, to help make doing the laundry less arduous.

Please ensure that laundry is not dried in kitchens and communal areas or on radiators, which can present a risk of fire and mould from condensation.

Waste and Recycling

Please recycle your waste, as the University supports all aspects of recycling. Throughout every site and campus there are clear ways in which we can all support our recycling policy.

Individually labelled bins are placed in most kitchens and it is your responsibility to follow the house/site instructions in dealing with this important matter. There are also special bins at different University locations for the disposal of ink cartridges and batteries.

We are a 0% waste to landfill University, however, we still aim to reduce, reuse and recycle as much as we possibly can, as a responsible and environmentally aware organisation.

  • Please remove all glass and recyclable materials in the bins provided. Food waste can be segregated and put into the food waste bins where applicable.
  • Packaging waste: Packaging waste is a large proportion of overall waste. Try to buy things in the types of packaging that can be recycled; remember to crush boxes and plastic bottles before putting them in the recycling bin. Get yourself reusable shopping bags; they’re much easier to carry, and reduce plastic bag waste. Most plastics, cardboard and tins are recyclable, but empty them and give them a rinse if needed first, so you don’t contaminate a whole bag of recyclable materials.
  • Remember that tissues, paper napkins, cling film and other very thin/soft materials are not recyclable, use them sparingly and put them in general waste when you’re finished with them.
  • Charity donations: Give good quality unwanted items to charity rather than throwing them away. There are many charity outlets in Canterbury as well as collection points across the town and campus for recycling books and clothing. At the end of the year, the Student Union collaborates with British Heart Foundation to provide you with charity sacks, making donating unwanted goods before you leave university housing even easier.

The University is committed to improving energy efficiency across our sites, in our offices, lecture theatres and accommodation, but we need your help. To do your part, think about the following and make them part of your everyday routine and this will really help.

Christ Church is aware of its environmental impact and how we work together for sustainable change, whilst maintaining comfortable living conditions. The University heating season is from 1st Oct-1st May, where heating is provided to between 19° and 21°C, during normal occupancy hours, usually switching off from 11pm to 6am.

The Students’ Union also runs Green Awareness campaigns which you can get involved with.

Remember, you can:

  • Reduce electricity consumption by turning off lights, televisions, computers, stereos etc... when leaving bedrooms or lecture/seminar rooms, and avoiding leaving equipment on standby.
  • Open your curtains, natural light is best!
  • Only boil the amount of water you need and avoid putting warm food in fridges.
  • Turning your radiator down or having a shorter shower will help the University to reduce gas used in the combination boilers and limit greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Put on a jumper before turning heating up, and if it is so hot in your halls that you have to open a window, please advise your Residency Reception who will adjust your thermostat if you cannot do it yourself.
  • Please report dripping taps to your Residency Reception so we can get these fixed.

Transport and Parking

All accommodation is centrally located on excellent public transport routes, and there are two train stations in Canterbury.

We strongly advise you not to bring a car with you to Canterbury. There is limited parking available at the following accommodation sites: Lanfranc House and Pin Hill. These spaces will be offered first to students who may need their car for travelling to work placements, and then any spaces left can be applied for. To request a car park space at your accommodation site, please fill in this form.

If you must bring a car with you and there are no spaces at your accommodation, you can contact the local council to discuss alternative parking.


Parking for motorbikes also available. Please contact accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk for further details.


You are very welcome to bring your bike to University but they must not be stored anywhere inside your accommodation as they may form an obstruction in the event of an emergency situation. There is ample storage for bikes across all sites. There are also lockers, showers and changing facilities available for cyclists across the university. The insurance we provide does not cover the loss or theft of bikes. You may want to consider this if you are thinking of bringing an expensive bike, please refer to the Insurance section above.

E-scooters, E-bikes and Other Powered Transporters

The charging of e-scooters, e-bikes, other powered transporters and drones within buildings poses a significant fire risk, with the number of fires caused by their lithium-ion batteries having risen significantly in the past couple of years. There has also been a number of fire-related incidents in University accommodation at other institutions. As a result, we are prohibiting e-scooters, electric hover boards, electric skateboards, electrically assisted pedal cycles (e-bikes), drones and any other powered transporter inside any University residence. We have not taken this decision lightly and have chosen to implement this requirement following advice from the Fire Brigade. If an e-scooter or similar powered transporter is found in any University residence, you will be asked to remove it from the property and attend a fire awareness course. Failure to remove from the property and/or repeat occurrences are likely to result in disciplinary action.

The video below highlights the danger of lithium-ion batteries in e-bikes, e-scooters and other powered transporters and demonstrates the reason why we have had to make this decision

The exception to this charging rule is electric wheelchairs and mobility scooters; however, the location where these are to be charged is to be agreed with the Estates and Facilities and Health & Safety Departments. If you require a suitable charging location for an electric wheelchair or mobility scooter, contact facilities-helpdesk@canterbury.ac.uk.

Campus Facilities, Travel and Parking

A vehicle is not needed in Canterbury, however you can take advantage of discounted public transport services. If you have teaching at Polo Farm, you can also use our free shuttle bus.

2 Students in Student Accommodation

Faults and repairs

Maintenance and repairs are carried out by our staff or approved contractors all of who are clearly identified. We have some properties that we lease, where the owner's contractor will carry out the work.

How to report a fault

Faults should be reported via email to repairs@canterbury.ac.uk or calling 01227 922325. Our fault logging QR code system is currently being upgraded. However, for emergency repairs out of office hours, please contact Security on 01227 922355 immediately.

If there is a delay in repairing the fault you’ll receive an update via your email address. We aim to respond to all emergency repairs within one working day; urgent repairs within three working days; routine repairs within five working days; complaints within five working days and projects within thirty working days. Details of what priority your repair has been classed as can be provided to you upon request. If we cannot fix something, we may have to wait longer for parts or a replacement on occasions.

Reporting a fault in your accommodation will form a contract between you and the University. You must therefore expect a member of maintenance staff or a contractor to enter your property to repair the fault. In an emergency, for example a flood, we may enter your accommodation without prior notice. Charges may be incurred by residents if non-urgent problems are reported during out-of-office times resulting in emergency contractors being called.

We would also refer you to your responsibility as a tenant as detailed in your Accommodation Licence Agreement.

Planned maintenance

We try to carry out planned maintenance of buildings to minimise inconvenience to residents, however it is inevitable that some work will be carried out while you are present. We’ll normally give 7 days’ notice of planned work and 24 hours for emergency works, but this can be a minimum of 24 hours notice for all works.

Room Checks

In order to ensure your health and safety, we reserve the right to enter residences without prior notice, such as if there is a potential emergency or disturbance. Occasionally the Security Officers need to visit rooms where there is a noise nuisance or other disturbance. Routine inspections and safety checks are conducted to monitor maintenance issues, health, safety and fire considerations and to ensure that accommodation is being kept in reasonable order.

Room inspections and safety checks are carried out at least three times during the year, usually before arrivals in September, and at the end of November and Easter. We endeavour to give 7 days’ notice of these visits and it is recommended that, where possible, you are in your flat or house when the check takes place. For urgent work, we will give a minimum of 24 hours’ notice unless immediate action is required.

Our Security and Facilities staff including our housekeepers who regularly attend residences are trained to recognise health, safety and fire concerns and unsafe practices. There are penalties for those who breach University fire requirements, ranging from compulsory training to formal disciplinary action.

A clipboard with Staff & Contractor Access Logs will be located by the front entrance of your property and anyone entering should sign in and out on this log. All staff and contractors should carry ID, which you can ask to see.

Vandalism and damage

Residents will be held responsible for damage in their room beyond fair wear and tear. Any damage should be reported immediately to your Residency Reception or via i-zone. Rooms are inspected prior to arrival and departure. Residents will be invoiced for the cost of repairing the damage.

In circumstances where costs relate to an item/area in any communal area of your accommodation, if no resident(s) accepts responsibility the costs will be spread equally between all residents in the house/flat. Residents are expected to maintain the security of communal areas by locking outer doors when going out.

When damage is identified, students will be contacted, allowing the person(s) responsible (or anyone that has knowledge of who is responsible) 24 hours in which to identify themselves to Accommodation staff. Where the person(s) responsible for the damage are identified, they will be charged accordingly.

Condensation, Mould and Ventilation

Condensation can cause staining and black mildew but there are several ways this can be reduced or avoided altogether. Remember to:

  • Use extractor fans in kitchens and bathrooms.
  • Ensure doors are closed to other areas of the residence.
  • Where condensation has occurred be sure to leave room heating ON to assist in drying out and remember to keep the room well ventilated.
  • Leave the small ventilation grill in your window open at all times.

First Aid

In the case of serious injury or health concern, you must always consider calling an ambulance in the first instance. If the injury or health concern is minor, please contact staff for assistance or by phoning the Security Helpline number on 01227 922111.

Remember, you can also call 111. The NHS 111 service is staffed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by a team of fully trained advisers. They will ask questions to assess your symptoms and, depending on the situation, will then:

  • give you self-care advice.
  • connect you to a nurse, emergency dentist or GP
  • book you a face-to-face appointment
  • send an ambulance directly, if necessary
  • direct you to the local service that can help you best with your concern

You can familiarise yourself with the University emergency arrangements here. You are also encouraged to download the free SafeZone App . Security can be alerted for urgent assistance, first aid or any other emergency on campus via your mobile phone or University desktop PC.

If an ambulance is required to be called, please remember to also notify Security personnel wherever possible of:

  • The request for the ambulance
  • The person who the ambulance has been called for
  • The location of the person who the ambulance is for

This will allow Security to better assist the ambulance service on their arrival, and reduce delay in medical assistance reaching the person in need.


Health and safety in accommodation

Electrical Safety

All electrical items brought into the accommodation must also be purchased from a reputable retailer and be CE and UKCA marked to demonstrate they comply with relevant safety standards. Be wary of buying electrical goods from online marketplaces, particularly if supplied by third-party sellers. There has been a sharp increase in the number of dangerous and unsafe goods sold online (e.g., phone and

device chargers, energy-saving devices, kitchen appliances, mini plug-in heaters, fairy lights etc.) even though sellers state they are safe. It is recommended to choose a recognised, high-street brand to purchase any personal equipment.

You must ensure that electrical sockets are not overloaded, and cables are well managed. Extension leads should ideally be avoided, if possible; however, if they are required, they should be surge protected, not overloaded and certainly not daisy chained (one plugged into another). Block adapters, and portable heaters and electric blankets are also strictly prohibited.

International plug adapters can be purchased in many shops on in Canterbury, including Tesco or alternatively can be purchased from https://www.unikitout.com/products/international-plug-adapter. If you need advise advice please ask accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk

You must not place/attach fairy lights, strip lights or any other lights to the walls or furniture within the property. Mains-powered fairy lights or LED lights can also not be brought into the accommodation. Also take note of the items which are prohibited in Accommodation which includes certain electrical equipment.

Electrical Appliance Testing

Prior to your arrival, we carry out annual safety tests (known as PAT Testing) on all portable electrical appliances provided by the University, e.g., lamps, kitchen appliances, white goods microwaves etc., to ensure they are safe for you to use.

Electrical appliances which you bring into the accommodation must also be safe and free from any defects. Any appliances which are damaged, or which have faulty cables or plugs MUST NOT BE USED, and if found, we may remove them.

We will undertake safety tests of your personal electrical equipment at the start of the academic year (e.g., laptops, tablets, chargers, games consoles, hair-styling equipment, TV’s, stereos etc.). This will usually take place in October, where our Engineers will visit your accommodation on set days and test items free of charge. You should make your electrical equipment available by taking to the shared kitchen / living area within your flat or house. Any student-owned electrical equipment or permitted appliances present within kitchens will be automatically tested in-line with this process.

We are also able to carry out ad-hoc safety tests at other times of the year, so if you have any specific items you wish to have checked, please contact accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk to arrange for one our Engineers to visit your residence.

If any items fail a test, a red sticker stating DO NOT USE will be placed on the item or the plug and the equipment and its location reported to us. You must not use any equipment that has failed a safety test and it is your responsibility to dispose of the item/s. Alternatively, contact accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk and we can arrange for disposal, free of charge.

The Accommodation Team will provide plenty of notice of the days and times when Engineers will be in your residences to undertake the testing and we strongly encourage you to participate in this process as it will ensure your electrical equipment is safe for use and free from any defects.

Fire Risk Assessments and the Responsible Person for Fire Safety

The University is committed to managing fire safety in compliance with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 and other fire safety legislation across all its facilities, to ensure the health and safety of all students, staff and visitors.

If you have any concern or query relating to fire safety in your accommodation that is not an emergency and not an immediate danger to your safety, your first point of contact is the University Accommodation Team on 01227 923000 or accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk.

Where concerns are unable to be resolved through early resolution and you wish to submit a formal Stage 1 Complaint regarding fire safety in your accommodation, please refer to the Student Complaints website where you will find further information detailing how to make a complaint and the relevant procedures. The Early Resolution & Case Handling Team can be contacted by emailing casehandling@canterbury.ac.uk for procedural advice and guidance.

The University Health and Safety Team completes the fire risk assessment for all our accommodation on a regular basis. Any significant findings from these assessments that may impact on your safety will be shared with you at the earliest opportunity through the University Accommodation Team. You can also request a copy of the fire risk assessment for your accommodation by contacting health.safety@canterbury.ac.uk.

The University ensures suitable fire protection and firefighting measures are in place and maintained by competent persons from our Estates & Facilities Department or by competent third parties carefully selected by our Estates & Facilities Department.

The Vice-Chancellor is the ‘Responsible Person’ under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 who has ultimate accountability for fire safety at the University.

The Responsible Person contact details are vcoffice@canterbury.ac.uk and Vice-Chancellor’s Office, Canterbury Christ Church University, North Holmes Campus, Canterbury, Kent CT1 1QU.

Fire Safety

If you discover a fire, you should operate the nearest red fire alarm call point, leave the building immediately and proceed to your designated Fire Assembly Point as indicated on signage within the building. You can also view the location of assembly points for the majority of our buildings on our Virtual Campus Maps. Residents must evacuate the building if the fire alarm sounds, and only return to the building when a Fire Officer or Security Officer instructs them to do so.

Fire Alarm Procedure

Follow the guidelines set out in your accommodation. Fire Evacuation Procedure notices are placed strategically throughout our accommodation, and you are asked to familiarise yourself with the procedure at the earliest opportunity.

  • If you are able to and it is safe to do so, shut windows and doors when leaving your room but do not delay.
  • If you are able to, shout “FIRE” or bang on doors to warn others.
  • Leave quickly and safely and go to your designated Fire Assembly Point.

We strongly recommend if you require assistance to evacuate during a fire alarm or would be unable to perceive an audible fire alarm signal that you inform us of your requirements so we can make arrangements to support you.

Tampering with fire alarms or covering detection devices is a serious offence as they are essential in detecting a fire at an early stage. University disciplinary procedures will be enacted for anyone found tampering with any fire safety system.

Fire Alarm Testing

Fire alarms are tested on a regular basis and weekly testing in houses/flats takes place in accordance with University policy. If the alarm sounds for more than 20 seconds at the time of usual test you should treat it as a real emergency and immediately evacuate the building.

Fire Drills

Fire evacuation drills are arranged as per the University Fire Safety policy and will take place twice per year with all accommodation having a daytime and night-time drill. You are required to cooperate with the instructions of University staff during evacuation drills. Failure to respond to a fire alarm either during any planned or unplanned activation may result in University disciplinary procedures being enacted.

If you would face difficulty in responding quickly to a fire alarm activation or would be unable to perceive an audible fire alarm signal, please refer below to Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) for further information.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)

If you would face difficulty in responding quickly to fire alarm activation or would be unable to perceive an audible fire alarm signal, please contact Student Support Services, who will develop a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP), which is your own personalised strategy to ensure your safety in an emergency. You can also contact them if you have a temporary condition or injury which may impede or slow down your safe evacuation from a building, who can arrange a temporary PEEP to ensure your safety.

Firefighting Equipment

The fire extinguishers and fire blankets are supplied for use only in an emergency. You are NOT encouraged to tackle fires; ensure the alarm is raised and Security staff are informed so that the incident can be promptly dealt with. Tampering with firefighting equipment (including unnecessarily discharging fire extinguishers) is a serious offence with anyone found misusing equipment potentially subject to University disciplinary procedures.

Fire Doors

Fire doors can be identified with blue signage which typically states FIRE DOOR KEEP CLOSED. All our fire doors comply with British Standards and are rated to withstand fire for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Keep all fire doors closed at all times. If a fire starts in any area where a fire door is left open, the fire and smoke will rapidly spread to other areas and put you and others at great risk. Your escape route through the building will become unusable and your safety will be compromised. Most injuries or the inability to exit a building safely during a fire is due to smoke spreading very quickly and it can take only a matter of seconds for you to be overcome by smoke. This 'Keep Fire Doors Closed' rule applies to doors to your bedroom, kitchen, flat, stairwell and other communal areas. Your bedroom door must remain closed even if you are within the kitchen, other communal area, when visiting another flat or leaving your room for any length of time. Also do not cover vision panels in doors as they allow you to see potential hazards on the other side of the door during an evacuation.

Anyone found tampering with or propping open fire doors as well as covering vision panels may be subject to University disciplinary procedures.

Escape Routes and Fire Safety Signage

  • Never block corridors, hallways or stairwells with waste, furniture or other items as they act as your escape routes in the event of a fire.
  • Never remove fire safety signage which is there to inform you of fire procedures and to direct you to the nearest escape routes.

If you observe any fire safety systems or equipment that is defective or missing, for example, fire doors that no longer close automatically, fire alarms or detectors which are beeping or covered or missing fire extinguishers, please inform facilities-helpdesk@canterbury.ac.uk so that the issue can be resolved.

Candles, Tea Lights, LED Lights and Incense Sticks

The use and storing of candles, tea lights, LED Lights and incense sticks in rooms is strictly forbidden. Candles have been associated with around 2000 University-related fires around the UK.

Cooking Safety

  • If you are called away from the cooker, remove the pans, and turn off the heat.
  • Don’t be distracted whilst cooking and avoid cooking if under the influence of alcohol.
  • Always clean the grill pan after use.
  • Turn saucepan handles so they don’t stick out and are not over another ring.
  • Keep the oven door shut.
  • Don’t put tea towels or oven gloves down on the cooker after you have used them.

Frying Safety

  • Oven chips are safer and easier than frying in oil.
  • Air fryers are permitted in residence, given they are safer (and healthier) alternative to chip pans and deep fat fryers which are not allowed in the accommodation. If used, do however ensure they are turned off when not required and cleaned regularly.
  • Use only small amounts of oil in frying pans when shallow frying.
  • Dry any food before putting it into oil as water may cause the oil to ‘boil over’ and ignite with explosive force.
  • NEVER leave the cooker whilst frying.
  • NEVER allow the oil to smoke – this is an indication that the oil is too hot and can easily catch fire.
  • If there are flames raise the fire alarm then if you think it is safe to do so, use the fire blanket to control the fire.
  • Never use a fire extinguisher unless you are trained and confident to do so. IF IN DOUBT, GET OUT!

Smoking - all our accommodation is smoke-free

Smoking inside buildings is illegal and strictly prohibited (including e-cigs and vaporisers etc).

Most of our accommodation is provided with designated smoking areas close to the residences. Please ensure you make use of these as no form of smoking is permitted in any University building or residence.

Anyone found breaching our smoking requirements will be subject to University disciplinary procedures.


Students are not permitted to have BBQs in any of the Residences or grounds. Anyone found having a BBQ will be subject to disciplinary action. 

If you follow the above instructions, you will be making sure that you and your housemates are all living in a safe environment. By ignoring these instructions, you are putting not only yourself, but others in the accommodation at risk. 

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Fire safety is everyone’s responsibility, and irresponsible behaviour has consequences.

There are penalties for those who breach University fire requirements, ranging from compulsory training, formal disciplinary action to being required to leave the accommodation.

Accommodation Licence Agreement Breaches

Fire Breaches

Action to be taken where breaches occur

In consultation with Kent Fire and Rescue Service, to help keep everyone safe in University accommodation, we have a series of measures, to be deployed in cases where the Accommodation Licence Agreement is breached. As part of your Licence Agreement regular spot checks will be made. 

  1. Minor breach – such as unacceptable levels of waste or build-up of fat in cooking pans.
  • In the first instance we will give you an informal warning and advice from the Accommodation Team.
  • Subsequent breaches will follow the process of a major breach as outlined below. 
  1. Major breach – such as misuse of fire safety equipment, use of candles, smoking or blocking fire escape routes or doors.
  • On the first instance, you will be sent a formal warning via an email and letter, making you aware that a breach has occurred and the nature of the breach. You will also be instructed to attend a mandatory in person Fire Safety Awareness course. This is to remind you of the importance of fire safety which will ensure your own safety and that of your fellow residents.
  • If you fail to attend the training, or you continue to breach the Accommodation Licence Agreement, you will receive a formal warning via email and letter warning you that you are at risk of receiving a Notice to Quit if there are any repeat occurrences should you breach again.
  • If you breach the Accommodation Licence Agreement again, you will be sent a Notice to Quit via email and letter. This will give you 4 weeks from the date of issuing, to leave your University Accommodation, after which you will be denied access to the room. You will have 14 days to appeal this notification in writing to accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk.
  1. Severe breach – such as actions representing threat to life including covering or tampering with a fire detector, causing a fire or isolating fire detection equipment including disconnecting devices.
  • On the first instance, you will be sent a formal warning via an email and letter, making you aware that a breach has occurred and the nature of the breach. You will also be instructed to attend a mandatory in person Fire Safety Awareness course. This is to remind you of the importance of fire safety which will ensure your own safety and that of your fellow residents.
  • If you breach the Accommodation Licence Agreement again, you will be sent a Notice to Quit via email and letter. This will give you 4 weeks from the date of issuing, to leave your University Accommodation. You will have 14 days to appeal this notification in writing to accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk.

If your actions represent criminal behaviour, such as deliberately starting a fire in or near your accommodation, the incident will be reported to the police and you will be issued with a Notice to Quit forgoing any prior stages.

To support the penalty, the exact date and time the breach has been identified will be recorded as well as the room and flat/house number where the unsafe behaviour has been witnessed, with photographic evidence being sought (where applicable) by the staff member who observes the breach.

In addition to the assigned penalty and where relevant to the situation, the student/s responsible for the breach may be required to pay restitution (payment to replace or repair items damaged) as a result of the unsafe behaviour.

The University reserves the right to take action on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of the breach or extent of damage caused, including where there are multiple breaches on the same occasion.

For more information and a full tabled listing of unsafe and unacceptable acts please see here. This outlines the defined list of unsafe behaviours and staged level of penalties for breaching fire, health and safety requirements within the Accommodation Licence Agreement.

Behaviour Breaches

At Canterbury Christ Church University, we want to ensure all of our students living in our accommodation are safe free from disruptions and discrimination. In our accommodation we expect respect and want to support our students to co-operate and interact positively with each other according to our Accommodation Licence.

It must be noted that students who have a breached the Accommodation Licence Agreement forfeit their eligibility to return to University Approved Accommodation as a returning student.

For more information and a full tabled listing of unsafe and unacceptable acts please see here. This outlines the defined list of unsafe behaviours and staged level of penalties for breaching fire, health and safety requirements within the Accommodation Licence Agreement. This list is not exhaustive, and other behaviours which may constitute a breach may not be listed here directly. The University reserves the right to take action on a case-by-case basis depending on the severity of the breach or extent of damage/disruption caused, including where there are multiple breaches on the same occasion.

Snow and ice

We have a snow and ice policy in place and this can be viewed. To avoid injury, please remember to dress for the weather.

Personal Safety

The campus is considered a safe environment and violent or distressing incidents are rare. However, you shouldn’t take unnecessary risks. Please report any incident (whether directed towards you or someone else) to your Residency Reception, Security or another member of staff.


  • Never walk home alone after dark.
  • Even if you don’t feel it, try to look confident.
  • Keep to busy, well-lit roads; shortcuts are not worth the risk.
  • Be aware that mobile phones and MP3 players are a popular target for street robbers, so don’t advertise their existence.
  • Cover up jewellery and tuck in the ends of scarves so they can’t be grabbed from behind.
  • Listening to a personal stereo could prevent you from hearing an attacker's approach. Be aware of your surroundings at all times.
  • Personal attack alarms can be a valuable item to carry around.
  • If you carry a bag, carry it tucked under the arm furthest from the road with the fastening next to your body.
  • If someone tries to grab your bag, let it go. Your safety is more important.
  • Carry your valuables separately in different pockets. Don’t carry them all in one bag.
  • Try and minimise the number of valuables you carry with you.
  • When going out, tell someone where you’re going and what time you’re due to return or if you intend to stay away from the accommodation for any length of time.
  • When in pubs or clubs, never leave your drink unattended.
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Don't forget SafeZone! Safezone is a health, safety and security app. Install it on your smartphone and use it to alert the security team if you need assistance on campus or in your CCCU accommodation.
Don't forget SafeZone! Safezone is a health, safety and security app. Install it on your smartphone and use it to alert the security team if you need assistance on campus or in your CCCU accommodation.

Be especially alert whilst you are adjusting to your new home:

  • Lock your door whenever you leave your room, even if you’re only going to the kitchen.
  • Ensure that all external doors are locked at all times.
  • Report any fault with any security or fire safety equipment, for example, door locks, window latches, bleeping fire sensors.
  • Don’t lend your keys to anyone else or leave valuables lying around.
  • Ask people you don’t recognise who they are visiting before you let them into the accommodation.
  • Keep your bike locked securely in proper bike storage areas.
  • Close your window when you’re going out if you live in a ground or first floor room.
  • Check the limits of your insurance, you have basic cover through the University, but top up your policy if necessary if you have equipment that is not covered.

Your health and welfare

The University has a network of trained professionals offering a range of support and advice for the duration of your time with us. Whether you are seeking guidance to help you successfully continue with your students, or looking for a safe space to talk, or need further support as a disabled student, we are here to help. 

In addition to the above support the university has partnered with Spectrum Life, offering in the moment and out of hours support. Spectrum Life offers immediate online, text and telephone support from qualified professionals. You can talk to them about anything, including stress, anxiety, low mood, financial worries, loss and grief, relationship difficulties, substance abuse issues and much more.

It is ESSENTIAL that you register with a local doctor as soon as possible, you will find it very difficult to access health care in the event of illness if you are not registered with a local GP – please DO NOT forget to do this as soon as possible after you arrive at University.

If you are unwell at any time and require assistance, please contact your Residency Reception or Security. You can call NHS Direct on 111 for medical advice and in an emergency dial 999 and then contact a member of staff on call.


There are two types of dental care available - private and National Health Service (NHS) funded. All dentists will provide private dental care but not all will accept NHS patients. A full list of dentists in the UK is provided by NHS.

Meningitis and Septicaemia

Older teenagers and university students are identified as being at high risk of infection because they tend to live in close contact in shared accommodation, such as university halls of residence.

Meningitis can be caused by a number of different infections, so several vaccinations offer some protection against it.

Symptoms of meningitis can appear in any order. Some may not appear at all. In the early stages, there may not be a rash or the rash may fade on pressure.

Symptoms of meningitis, septicaemia and meningococcal disease include:

  • A high temperature
  • Cold hands and feet
  • Vomiting
  • Confusion
  • Breathing quickly
  • A dislike of bright lights
  • Being very sleepy or difficult to wake
  • Fits (seizures)
  • Muscle and joint pain
  • Pale, mottled or blotchy skin
  • Spots or a rash
  • Headache
  • A stiff neck

If you, or someone you know has these symptoms, seek urgent medical advice. Don’t wait for a rash to develop. Early diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics are vital.

See also our Health Support webpage for more information.

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Immunisation against Illness

Contagious illnesses can spread easily on a University campus; please make sure that you are fully immunised before you arrive. It’s often worth checking with your family or your doctor which immunisations you have had. If you are a UK student aged between 18 and 25, there’s a very good chance that you’ve had only one dose of the MMR (Measles, Mumps and Rubella) vaccine.

See more information on vaccinations.

Drugs and Alcohol

The possession or misuse of drugs (including cannabis) constitutes an offence in law. All students found in possession will be subject to the University’s Student Code of Conduct

  • Any substance that is ‘intoxicating’ can be abused and can be addictive;
  • Any substance abuse can have very serious consequences for your physical and mental health, relationships, future career and in the extreme your future altogether. It can seriously damage your academic performance and mean you are not giving your best to your studies – and that’s a waste when you think about what you are paying and sacrificing to come to university!
  • The use of illicit drugs can have very serious consequences for you staying in university accommodation – we will give you notice to quit if you are using drugs on our premises.
  • Canisters and Illegal highs over chemical substitutes – NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.

Whatever you choose to do, it’s wrong to pressure anyone else to use any kind of substance. Respect their point of view.

If you are concerned about your level of drug or alcohol use, then you can contact Student Wellbeing Services, where there are staff within the department who can help students to access appropriate support externally.

Remember, when it comes to alcohol, most people tend to overestimate how much other people are drinking and can end up drinking more themselves just to try and “be like everyone else” – the reality is they are likely to be drinking a lot less than you think!

Access here for further information on drug abuse and alcohol.

The SU is proud to be working on accreditation for Best Bar None and NUS Impact so the Lounge bar & kitchen at St George’s Centre is a safe and inviting space for students to socialise.

Expect Respect

At Christ Church, we believe that we all have a part to play in creating and welcoming campuses, free from harassment. Click here for further information about Expect Respect.

If you have witnessed or experienced bullying or harassment, we are here to support you. Use our online Report+Support tool to report incidents either anonymously or to speak to an adviser for support. 

The CCCU Expect Respect Pledge

  • To give respect to all;
  • To take responsibility for helping to create an inclusive and welcoming University;
  • To take positive action to prevent discrimination by not tolerating, condoning or ignoring harassment of any kind;
  • To educate myself and others about harassment - what it is, how it makes people feel and challenging harassment when possible.

Your room: payments and changes

Paying for your Accommodation

The rent is payable either in full before the start of the academic year or in three equal instalments, each instalment payable at the start of each term. Should you choose to pay by instalments you will need a guarantor (who we will contact should your payments fail). What you need to know about and Your Accommodation Fees, Your Responsibilities.

Accommodation Room Changes

In the first few weeks, many new students make a friend in another part of the campus or due to homesickness feel they are not fitting in with their flatmates and want to move rooms. These feelings often pass so try and allow a couple of weeks settling in time. We try to discourage transfers between rooms, flats or houses during the first couple of weeks of term as we find that students often settle in if they give it a bit of time. Transfers may be permitted at the discretion of the Accommodation Team, by filling out the Room Moves Request form.

Change of Circumstances

You are legally bound to pay rent for the entire duration of the contract, even if you vacate your room for a period or leave before the end of the Licence Agreement. Returning your keys does not mean the Licence Agreement has ended.

If you wish to leave your accommodation but are intending to continue to be a full-time registered student of the University, you will only be released from your Licence if you find a replacement student not currently in University-managed accommodation. You‘ll have to pay for your University accommodation until a replacement student moves into your vacated room. If you’re considering this option we strongly recommend that you visit Accommodation Services to discuss this matter in more detail prior to signing any other agreement with another landlord.

If you cease to be a student at the University by withdrawing or interrupting your course, your licence to occupy university accommodation ends and you must vacate the accommodation and hand your keys into the site office. Full details of how to terminate your agreement can be found in the Terms and Conditions at the end of this handbook.

Contact accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk to discuss your situation with us.

What's next

Student in student accommodation

Accommodation for your 2nd and 3rd Years

If you are a single student currently in your second or third year, you can request to stay in one of our University study bedrooms as a returning student or one of our studio flats, as long as your accommodation payments are up-to-date and you haven’t broken your licence. Students with a disability who cannot find a suitable room in the private sector will be prioritised.

Why consider Christ Church Accommodation?

  • 39-week licence: no summer rent or bills.
  • All your bills are included, plus free internet access and free content insurance and there are no Council Tax worries either!
  • Support when you need it: a helping hand right on your doorstep.
  • Repairs? No problem! Our in-house trades team are here for you.
  • Peace of mind. Stay with us for your entire student journey, and make housing one less thing to worry about.
  • Housing with friends. Did you know you can now apply to live with your friends?
  • Another plus: if a member of your group pulls out, you would not be liable for the extra rent/bills (which is sometimes the case in the private sector). You can apply as an individual student too!
  • Stick you what you know. Most accommodation is open to returning students.

Contact accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk to discuss your situation with us.

See what help is available to you when looking for your off-campus student home.

Private Sector Accommodation

Should you choose to move into the private rented housing, we have put together some information to help you on where to look for your accommodation outside of the University in Canterbury and Medway, as well as private renting tips and advice and a student-friendly guide about renting as a student.

Moving out

The occupancy of your room lasts for the entire period stated in your licence. If you want to extend your contract over the summer period, this may be possible but please check with the Accommodation Office for availability.

When you Leave

You will need to:

  • Leave your room in a clean and tidy state, and undamaged.
  • Complete a Room Inventory Departure Form. If you leave and we find something wrong you could be charged.
  • Ensure that all outstanding debts to the University have been settled by contacting our Finance team at ar@canterbury.ac.uk.
  • Ensure that you make arrangements to have your post redirected as we are unable to forward any post after you leave and will need to return it to the sender.
  • Remove ALL your personal belongings.
  • Check that inventory item are present.
  • Restore all furniture to its original position.
  • Empty desks, drawers and wardrobes.
  • Clean en-suite bathrooms.
  • Remove posters, pins, blu-tack etc from pin boards and ensure all walls are cleared and unmarked.
  • Clean and vacuum your room and all communal areas, leaving it clean and tidy.
  • Remove all rubbish/waste/unwanted items to the appropriate dustbin/recycling areas.
  • Vacate your room, lock it and return your keys to Security or Residency Reception where you will be issued with a receipt. You will be charged for replacing keys and/or changing locks if keys are not returned.
  • After you have moved out of your room and handed in your keys, the room and communal areas will be checked.
  • If any damages or losses are found, or if extra cleaning is required or rubbish left in your room or in communal areas, a charge will be generated on your account.

Support Services

The University has a network of trained professionals offering a range of support and advice for the duration of your time with us. Whether you are seeking guidance to help you successfully continue with your studies, looking for a safe space to talk or need further support as a disabled student, we are here to help.


is a safety app that Christ Church is making available to all its students and staff at all its campuses. The app allows you to alert University Security if you ever need urgent assistance, first aid or if you have an emergency while on campus via your mobile phone. The system is privacy protected, so will never share your location unless you summon assistance or if you use the check-in function. This also means the app will not drain your mobile phone battery.

The i-zone

is your student helpdesk and one-stop-shop for information about all aspects of life at university. If they do not know the answer to your question they will know who to ask. 

Accommodation Site Contact Information Canterbury (email: accommodation@canterbury.ac.uk)

Out of office hours (17.30 – 08.30) Tel: 01227 922355 (via Security)

  • Petros Court Office hours: 01227 922375/921777
  • St Georges/Dover Street and Vernon Place Office hours: 01227 923485
  • Colton House Office hours: 01227 922355
  • Pin Hill Office hours: 01227 453097
  • Lanfranc Office hours: 01227 456392
  • All other residences at Canterbury Office hours Tel: 01227 922355
  • Fault Reporting- email repairs@canterbury.ac.uk or phone the Facilities Helpdesk on 01227 922325 for non-urgent repairs so that we can take action on your behalf, in a safe and timely manner. For urgent repairs please contact Security or your site reception.
Logo showing the Universities UK Code of Practice (UKKCOP) 'The student accommodation code accreditation'.
We have accreditation from the Universities UK Code of Practice (UKKCOP).
Useful University Services

Feedback and complaints

At CCCU we value the feedback that is provided by our residents, both positive and negative. Feedback can be provided using the Accommodation Feedback and Complaints Form by both residents and visitors.

Providing feedback

Our accommodation is shaped by our residents. If you have a suggestion for something that we can do to improve, or any general feedback regarding accommodation, please do get in touch using the form linked above.

Making a complaint

We hope that you have an issue-free time in student accommodation, but that isn't always the case. If you need to make a formal complaint regarding CCCU accommodation, you can do so using the form linked above. Responses will be reviewed by the Accommodation management team at the earliest opportunity.