Peer Observation and Review

The Peer Observation and Review Policy and associate guidance on these pages were approved by Academic Board in December 2020.

The Policy (available on the right-hand side of this page) states that Peer Observation and Review (POR) of learning and teaching offers academic staff, and staff who support learning, the chance to engage in professional conversation about all aspects of the scholarship and practice to enhance staff’s learning, teaching and assessment practice. Specifically, the peer observation and review policy aims to:

  • enhance the learning, teaching and assessment process at CCCU, thereby improving our students’ and apprentices’ learning experience
  • make a significant contribution to academic or support staff’s continuing professional development in teaching and/or supporting learning
  • help maintain consistently high standards of teaching and/or support of students’ or apprentices’ learning across the University.

Academic staff must engage with this developmental and supportive activity once per academic year. The following documents (also available to download on the right-hand side of this page) have been designed to support you when participating in Peer Observation and Review:

1)      “Guidance for Staff” which gives you an overview of the benefits of this activity, and how to carry it out in three stages: before the observation, during and after the observation 

2)      “Peer Observation and Review Form”, to be completed by the observer during the observation

3)      “Reflections post-Peer Observation and Review”: to be completed by both the observer and observee as they engage in a dialogue


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Last edited: 10/07/2024 10:49:00