prism - case studies of good practice

Prism is Canterbury Christ Church University’s online space for sharing innovative practice in Learning, Teaching and Assessment, and contains case studies on pedagogical ideas and experiments being used at the University.

Visit the Prism pages

Learning and Teaching Staff Development

LTE services are available to everyone who is involved in supporting learning and delivering an excellent student experience at Canterbury Christ Church University.  LTE offer a range of opportunities to support you all in your role, to help you deliver an outstanding student experience

Find out more about our workshops

Student Cycle:
Key Tasks

This timeline of tasks, following the student cycle, helps course teams organise their work throughout the year.


View the key tasks timeline

Module Leader Guidance and support

The guidance provides an overview of the role and responsibilities of module leaders at all stages of the design and delivery of a module. 

Read the full guidance and support document here

Course design and development

The guide provides a framework for course teams who are considering designing a brand new course, or re-designing their existing course.

Read the full guidance document here

Research informed teaching

The booklet presents projects within CCCU which illustrate how L&T practices informed by research activity and advanced scholarship can enhance the student experience

Click here to view the full book


course Management Handbook

This handbook, aimed at course teams, sets out all activities that are essential to the efficient design, delivery and management of a taught course

Click here to view the Handbook

Checklist for New course Directors

This checklist has a list of questions that new Course Directors need to have in mind when starting their new role

Checklist for new Course Directors

Course Administration Handbook

This handbook is for administrative staff supporting the delivery of course at Faculty level

Click here to view the Handbook


Academic Link Tutor Handbook

This handbook is a guide for Academic Link Tutors who, as the key contact for all academic issues and day to day operations in the management of collaborative course, perform an important role in developing and maintaining the relationship with our partners and their students

Click here to view the Handbook

Designing Learning Outcomes

This guidance helps academic staff design suitable module and course learning outcomes

Designing Learning Outcomes guidance

compassionate Pedagogy

‘Compassionate Pedagogy’ is about creating a learning environment in a way that notices distress and disadvantage for all students and staff and actively seeks to reduce these barriers to learning.

Click here to find out more about Compassionate Pedagogy


Teaching Resources

Teaching Resources are available that will help you embed, for example, inclusivity and sustainability into your course, develop electronic assessment and marking, etc. Also go here for the Closing our Gap resources.

Click here to view the teaching resources

Enhancing Teaching on Higher & Degree Apprenticeships

These materials are to help teachers who are teaching on Higher and Degree Apprenticeships, particularly if they are new to apprenticeships. There is practical and applicable advice for activities that can be used both synchronously and asynchronously, technology enhanced learning and glossaries for Higher and Degree Apprenticeship specific terminology as well as pedagogical terms. 

Click here to find out how to enhance Higher and Degree Apprenticeships

Assessment & Feedback

Read more about Assessment Literacy, Authentic Assessment and Standardisation of Marking.

Find out more about:

Assessment Literacy

Authentic Assessment

Standardisation of Marking


Artificial Intelligence (AI): staff guidance

Find out about the ability of artificial intelligence to create answers to assignments, essays, and even write computer code. 

Find out more


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Last edited: 10/02/2025 09:47:00