Matthew Robinson: Sport and Exercise Psychology

Matthew Robinson completed a 10 week paid internship looking at the impact of emotions in physical activity.

Under the supervision of Dr Mark Uphill, Matthew conducted a citation network analysis to review the emotions associated with physical activity. This involved a number of steps. The first was to identify the relevant databases of literature, establish key search terms, collate relevant articles together and identify exactly who is citing who. From this data Matthew was able to create a visual representation of the prominent theories in the field and so get a good impression of the most relevant literature in this area. 

'I learnt how to conduct a citation network analysis, how to use UCINET, and the process of running a literature review. I also learnt that research can be a very slow process at times.”

'The experience has given me an insight into what further academic study may look like... If in the future I decide to take on further study, I’m positive that this experience has better prepared me for this.”

Matthew Robinson Student Intern

Matthew's research poster

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Last edited: 10/03/2020 12:36:00