Troy Randall

Troy Randall

Geography graduate

Since graduating in 2013 I have been working as a Geo-Environmental Consultant and recently moved to Idom Merebrook, following 2 years at Resource and Environmental Consultants. My role is designing ground investigations to give the client the appropriate information for all new builds. This includes a site investigation, which assesses the geotechnical properties of the underlying geology and any contamination risks that may be present. I then produce a report for the client detailing information necessary to progress their development to the next stage.

CCCU provided the ideal environment to learn and provided an opportunity to move into this career path. The Geography programme offered a broad array of subject areas to develop the skills which I use today. Core skills that I use in my current role are report writing and presentational skills, which were heavily developed at CCCU thanks to the staff and their continued support. Geography influenced my career direction because it gave me a number of transferable skills which I use everyday. This includes reporting, presenting and analysing data. Overall, all of the staff at CCCU are very welcoming and readily available to help. CCCU and Geography provided me with a sound basis to move into a solid career path.


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Last edited: 15/12/2018 09:59:00