Overview of the Freedom of Information Act 2000

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 establishes a right of access to all types of recorded information held by the University.

We provide more information in our Introduction to Freedom of Information.

Our Publication Scheme

We maintain a Publication Scheme that lists the classes of information we routinely publish or intend to publish.

The Publication Scheme is on our Publication Scheme webpage. Please click to read the full introductory remarks and view the complete Publication Scheme. The information listed in the schemes is free of charge unless otherwise stated.

Requesting information

Should you not be able to find the information you are looking for in our publication scheme, you can request the information from the University.

You need to make your request in writing and provide:

  • your real name
  • an address to which we can reply, which can be a postal or email address.

The Information Commissioners Office’s advice is to describe the information wanted clearly. They recommend following their advice on how to write a request for information. This means a requester is more likely to get the desired information.

The best way to request the information is by emailing foi@canterbury.ac.uk.

Alternatively, you can write to:

Governance and Legal Services
North Holmes Road

We explain how we will use your personal information in Making an Information and Personal Data Request Privacy Notice.

We must comply promptly and within 20 working days.

What information you can expect to receive

The law gives the right to access information already held. There is no obligation to create new information to respond to a request.

Some information may be exempt from disclosure under one of the 23 exemptions in the Act. A requester is likely only to get information suitable for the public. The University will not be required to release information to which an exemption in the Act legitimately applies. However, the University will explain why we are not releasing information.

Unless subject to one of the exemptions described by the Act, the information must be provided if it is held.

We provide advice and assistance to help make, clarify or refine a request.

Fees charges

Under the Freedom of Information and Data Protection (Appropriate Limit and Fees) Regulations 2004, the University can refuse to deal with a request that would cost more than £450 to process.


We endeavour to informally resolve an appeal or complaint to your satisfaction at the first point of contact. In most cases, the person dealing with you will check to see if they can resolve your concern or complaint. It might be by providing further information or clarification about the decision.

If it is impossible to resolve your complaint, we will refer your complaint to an appropriate reviewing officer. We will respond to any complaints about handling a Freedom of Information request.

We set out the procedures in the Procedures for Complaints Relating to Data and Information Access and Handling. We provide a Complaint about Data and Information Handling form to make a complaint. 

Should we be unable to resolve your complaint, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office. This independent body oversees the Freedom of Information Act.


The information generated by the University and included in the publication scheme or provided to you in response to a request may be subject to copyright.

Permission to reproduce the information does not extend to any material identified as being the copyright of a third party. Authorisation to reproduce such material must be obtained from the copyright holders concerned.

Information for staff

We provide information for our staff on Freedom of Information in the following briefing papers:

Freedom of Information: A Briefing Paper

Freedom of Information: A Guide to Handling Requests

Freedom of Information Act 2000: Questions and Answers


00724 - Number of Student Applications

07524 - Number of Journalism Students

16524 - UK Applicants to Medical Courses (excluding Kent and Medway Medical School)


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Robert Melville
Data Protection Officer and Strategic Compliance Projects Lead