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Uploading Media to ReCap

Files of various types can be uploaded to ReCap. Uploaded files are stored in your My Media folder.

Manually Uploading Media Content

Users can upload files by using Manage Media. Uploaded files may be auto-captioned and accessed in the same way as a file created using the Software Capture application.

Bulk Uploading

Multiple files may be uploaded to Manage Media using the bulk upload feature.  You can upload a variety of video, audio, image and document files. Files are then stored in the individual’s My Media folder.

Uploading an Exported MS PowerPoint Presentation MP4 file (e.g. Narrated PowerPoint)

This article will provide users with instructions on how to export an MP4 file from a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation. Once the MP4 file is exported, users can upload this file to the Video Platform and make it available for others to watch.


How to make effective 'single take' videos with a phone

Tim Jones (Media) and Simon Starr (LTE) made a short video on how to make an effective video using a phone in a single take which needs no editing. The first provides useful tips and 'how to do it' whilst the second is the example of the end result.

Note: These recordings were created before CCCU's adoption of ReCap.