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Responding to your feedback

It’s important that we listen to what you tell us so we know what is working well, celebrate our successes and identify what we can improve.

Each year, your feedback informs hundreds of decisions made across the University. This isn’t just about learning and teaching, but everything to do with your student life – from wellbeing support, your digital and physical environment, and the opportunities available to you beyond your studies.

In the 2024 National Student Survey (NSS) we achieved an overall positivity score of 81%, as well as improving across all key seven areas. And our second successive Silver award in the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) demonstrates that we’re delivering the high-quality student experience and student outcomes that you deserve.

Here are just some of the ways in which we've acted upon your feedback, and some of the things we've done to meet your needs, during the past year.

  • Your digital library has grown even further, to give you access to 55,000 more e-books and an additional 250 journals – many of them in direct response to your feedback via the ‘suggest an e-book’ campaign.
  • We purchased the most-read of the 46,000 Cambridge University Press titles available to you via Cambridge Core last year, so they’re now permanent fixtures in your digital library.
  • You asked for more choice in non-academic reading, so we’ve added over 1,000 magazine subscriptions to the Libby app. Sports, movies, videogames, technology, cookery, music, art, fashion, travel, history, photography, gardening… there’s now something for everyone.
  • You can now access over 1,000,000 images sourced from cultural institutions worldwide via Artstor. Plus, we’ve made it possible for you to access more historic newspapers, and academic resources via the Scopus database.
  • To keep you informed about any service unavailability, we’ve developed a LibrarySearch status updates webpage so we can let you know precisely what’s happening and when.
  • Drill Hall Library’s collection of non-academic books has been relocated and refreshed to create a cosy ‘reading nook’.
  • The family study space in Drill Hall Library - designed for use by student parents who need to bring young children to the library while they study - has been updated and relocated.
  • New printing system PaperCut has made it easier to print from devices including MacBooks and smartphones, plus you can scan documents directly to your student OneDrive accounts.
  • We improved the way that module and course Blackboards are set-up, meaning that registered students were able to access their course learning materials earlier than ever before this academic year.
  • The Group Zone in Drill Hall Library now has more ‘bring your own device’ spaces with charging facilities for smartphones, tablets and laptops. And the Drill Hall Library LapSafe scheme now allows you to borrow a laptop and charging cable, and take them off campus, for up to 7 days at a time.
  • On-campus student desktop PCs have been upgraded to Windows 11, providing you with access to the latest software.
  • The new Students' Union Hub in Anselm includes offices, meeting rooms and social areas to enable the SU to deliver a range of activities, events, and services on campus.
  • If you're into outdoor chill spots, you'll love our new sustainable Round House on Anselm Lawn. It's made from local woodland materials and is perfect for relaxing, socialising, and outdoor learning.
  • Improvements to teaching spaces this past year have included lecture theatre seating in Old Sessions House and new sim space in Rowan Williams Court.
  • Cathedral Court’s new ‘access control’ system has further improved building security on the Medway campus.
  • Based on your feedback the Library Team made changes to how group study rooms in Augustine House are booked, giving fairer access and better availability.
  • More soft seating has been added to the café in Drill Hall Library.
  • Over 200 beds have been replaced and updated in accommodation. 
  • We were ranked a ‘Gold Tier’ university in an annual UK study of the sector’s sustainability credentials.
  • The Academy for Sustainable Futures has launched a new year-round Climate Ready programme, including our nationally-recognised, free carbon literacy training.
  • Catering has introduced a new reusable zero waste cup in their outlets alongside a scheme where you don’t have to carry your cup around but can trade it for an exchange card ready for when you want your next drink
  • By joining in our interactive Climate Fresk workshops, you can learn about the causes and effects of climate change through a puzzle-solving game played by more than 1 million people worldwide.
  • Monthly Climate Café Nature Walks give you an opportunity to explore nearby nature and to discuss your climate anxieties in a supportive environment.
  • Through our Eco-Hope talks, screenings and events, we’re helping you feel empowered and hopeful about the future.
  • We’ve been working in partnership with Kent Wildlife Trust and Wildwood Trust to reintroduce the red-billed chough to Kent after a 200-year absence.
  • The Library has expanded its collection of sustainability e-books through Edward Elgin Online.
  • Events held during green libraries week gave you the opportunity to upcycle clothes, glassware and more.
  • New printing app PaperCut includes a full history of your printing so you can keep tabs on how much paper you use.

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