Transition Through Study

Academic Development week (ADW) All students will have an Academic Development Week in their first semester or trimester of study.  ADW provides a formal period for students to reflect on their transition in learning from one level of study to the next. This week does not have formal module teaching. Instead, activities during this week should enable students to take stock of their learning to date, meet with their Personal Academic Tutors (PAT), develop their academic skills, continue independent study, access additional learning support, and ensure they are ready to access further learning. Any activities during the week are meant to be course led with built in flexibility where possible.  Online resources are available for students as part of ADW.

 The online resources are updated in advance of each ADW  and will be communicated by the Student Communications Team but should also be communicated to students by their course team. 

Personal Development week (PDW).  All students will have a Personal Development as part of their academic calendar. This normally follows immediately after the assessment period for semester 1 and is designed as a time to enable students to try something new and develop skills - from time management, enhancing employability to trying a new social activity such as craft, trying a sports activity or getting involved in volunteering. To this end, a wide range of activities are organised across the University along with online resources to support PDW activity online resources are updated in advance of each ADW and will be communicated by the Student Communications Team but should also be communicated to students by their course team.  

Academic re-orientation information has been provided for staff to support students transitioning back into university.  A repository of resources has been developed and is available from the Transition Orientation and Induction SharePoint. The resources include principles of Good Academic Re-orientation, a reorientation planning template with links to key resources along with a link to the CCCU Interruptions Policy.  Our guidance provides examples of academic welcome back activities that support students encouraging early engagement.    

Welcome Back Hub is designed to complement the Welcome Hub and is for returning students to support their transition back into university. It provides general advice and guidance for students on what to expect when they return to study and re-orientates students to university services and support. 

There is specific tailored information for students returning after a period of interruption for example and links are provided for students to engage with modules on the Learning Skills Hub to maximise on their attainment and success. The hub is accessible for all students and can be found here

The Welcome back Hub should be promoted to students via the course team and can be signposted to students across the academic calendars when appropriate. It has most impact if students are introduced to it late in the second semester before summer break and again upon return to study at the next level. 

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Last edited: 12/02/2024 11:01:00