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Assessment and reassessment support

We want to give you the confidence to prepare for your assessments and reassessments and help you perform your best.

Your learning is assessed in a number of ways so that you, and the University, can be sure that you are gaining the required skills, knowledge and marks to enable you to progress and achieve an award.

Whatever form your assessment takes, the key thing is that it must allow you to demonstrate the learning outcomes of the module. You must make sure that you know what the learning outcomes are and are clear about what is expected of you for each assessment as outlined in your Module Guide.

How do I understand my feedback?

It is important that you check your marks even if you think you know what the results will be, so that you confirm what you have achieved and decide if you require to take any further action. 

Understanding your results

In 'My Assessments', next to each module, you will see your overall mark and what this means:

  • Pass - If you have passed your module(s), this is shown as a grade of Pass against the relevant module/assessment.

  • Deferrals - If you have been granted a deferral, for one or more of your assessments, this will be shown as a grade of Deferral against the relevant assessment(s). Where this is your first attempt at the assessment, you will receive an uncapped mark. Deferred coursework should be submitted in the next formal assessment period, in the normal way, and by 2pm on the due date. Information about the assessment submission, including the due date, is available on your Blackboard.
  • Fail - If you have not passed a module, this is shown as a grade of Fail against the module and the assessment. The decision about when you may be eligible to take reassessment will be made by the Board of Examiners at the end of your year of study and confirmed when your end of year results are published. Please note that marks for reassessments are capped at the pass mark for that module.

  • Results Pending - The Board of Examiners was unable to take a decision on one or more of your modules. The Board of Examiners will take a decision on these module(s) as soon as possible and your results will be updated. You will receive a new notification when this happens.

For students completing reassessments, reassessment with attendance, trail and progress or deferral placements your results will be under the year you originally studied the module. If, as part of your reassessment with attendance, you have studied an alternative module this will be under the year you studied that module.

Once you are clear about your results, take time to read through any comments and reflect on the feedback you are given. 

You can then consider what aspects of the feedback can feed into your own targets and actions in terms of developing your academic work.

If you have not passed an assessment or not engaged with an assessment you should reflect on why and what support you need to get back on track. Your feedback will explain the key elements of your submitted work which you may need to be built upon.

If you would like to discuss how to access your feedback to improve your grade in future assessments you should contact your personal academic tutor or Course Director.

Check out the Learning Skills Hub "Engaging with feedback" module

This online module will explore how to engage with your assignment feedback, help you reflect on how you are engaging with feedback currently, and offer practical advice on how to make the most of it.

My personal academic tutor

How can I support myself?

After you have accessed your feedback and received your results, use the checklist below to help you reflect and identify what support you needYou can also contact your Learning Developers in your Faculty for advice and exam tips.

What do I need to understand?

How can I support my understanding?

More about what you are being assessed in and the assessment criteria

  • Book a tutorial with your Personal Academic Tutor or Course Director

What you need to revise for if you have to retake an exam

  • Book a tutorial with your Personal Academic Tutor or Course Director
  • Skills for Study – Exam Skills module
  • Book to meet your Faculty Learning Developer

What or how to develop content for your written work you are submitting

  • Book a tutorial with your Faculty Learning Developer


Digital or technical IT support to complete an assessment

How to research effectively

  • Book to meet your Learning and Research Librarian for guidance on finding information or visit the Learning Skills Hub for useful modules

How to use Turnitin effectively


Understand how to avoid plagiarism and reference effectively

Help with time management or exam skills

Help with a disability or mental health


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Learning Skills Team
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