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Turnitin is text similarity checking software used by universities worldwide to educate students about using sources with integrity and to deter plagiarism.

The University uses Turnitin for electronic submission (e-submission) of work.

This online service also allows you to upload versions of your assessments to 'self-check' prior to final submission, and is designed to help you and your tutors check your work for originality and help guard against plagiarism. 

By using/submitting to Turnitin, you agree to the terms listed in the Turnitin User Agreement.

University Standardised Turnitin Set-Up

A consistent University-wide Turnitin set up requires that;

  1. All Turnitin Assignments must be created within module Blackboards in a central Assessments area.
  2. There must be at least two Self-Check Turnitin Assignments per module for students to use.
  3. There must be a separate folder for final submissions for each assessment using Turnitin, within which there must be separate submission points for on time and after deadline submissions.
  4. There must be a separate folder for reassessment, within which there are sub-folders for each assessment, again each containing separate submission points for on time and after deadline submissions. This should appear beneath the initial assessment folders.