Fake news and digital literacy

Sometimes it can feel difficult knowing where to find good quality news sources. For most people, news comes to us on a smartphone or social media. Posts appear and disappear as fleetingly as newspaper. However, sometimes you may need to refer to news in your assignments, for example, maybe you read about some important research or heard a television news item that you think will inform your argument, but you can’t remember when or where you saw it. Sometimes you can find the information via a Google search, but other times the news will be hidden behind paywalls for subscribers only. Understanding which sources you can access via your university computing account and how you can use it critically is useful.

What does the university subscribe to?

The university subscribes to a range of media sources to help you in your studies. These include media streaming services, news sources and databases. You can find out more about the media resources we have in the media guide.

If you need to look at other news and media sources, this video explains how to choose them.