PhD Student Profile


Nick Coleman

PhD Student


School: School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Campus: Canterbury

Research Areas

Methods and application of Peace and State-Building within Syria and other post-conflict areas.

My research examines both the historical and perspective application of various peace and state-building mechanisms, with special focus attributed to the case study of Syria. Debating the normative notions of liberal peace theory against the various critiques levelled at this design, placing the Syrian scenario within the contemporary idea of liberal modernity. The research challenges the vast concepts and functions of violence, democratisation and the understanding of “peace” as an achievable outcome of conflict.


After completing an MSc with Distinction in, ‘International Relations: Security Studies’ at Canterbury Christ Church University, I have embarked upon a direct transition into my doctoral studies. During my degree are also included a year studying politics abroad at ‘Universidad Pontificia Comillas’ in Madrid, various student ambassador roles and volunteer work with the Tate Exchange project at the Tate Modern in London.

I will be presenting a paper at the forthcoming International Political Studies Association (IPSA) 2020 Colloquium, “Disruption, Crisis, Opportunity: Whither Democratic Governance?”, alongside teaching various classes to CCCU students throughout 2021. 


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Last edited: 26/11/2020 11:23:00