Tim Farron, MP addresses the Powell audience.

Our post referendum vision

On the 22nd of November Tim Farron, MP and leader of the Liberal Democrats gave a talk here at Canterbury Christ Church University, chaired by Jean Monnet Chair Dr Amelia Hadfield.

The speech titled ‘Our post referendum vision’ was lively and enlightening, covering a wide range of topics from the Liberal democrat’s political platform, the future of post-Brexit Britain, current struggles within the Labour and conservative parties and why Mr Farron believes progressive forces need to come together to build an optimistic future.

After the speech, the floor was opened to questions from our audience of students and members of the public. The discussion that proceeded was measured and productive, with Mr Farron tackling several different topics including the merits of tactical voting, whether the liberal democrats would consider a second coalition, the advent of the “post truth” society, and why the Liberal democrats are a better alternative than Labour for progressives. Despite having to dash for a train almost immediately after the event, Mr Farron still managed to squeeze in a couple of Selfies with the Students. 


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Last edited: 15/12/2018 12:14:00