Our Clinical Psychology trainees are involved in a range of research projects. Find out more about the specialist research our trainees have been undertaking.

A qualitative exploration of the experiences of the hospital discharge process, via the transforming care agenda
Adolescent wellbeing and social media use
An exploration of executive function, its theoretical construction, and challenges encountered in its understanding and measurement: did neuropsychology get this right?
An exploration of experiences of self-compassion in autistic women
An exploration of nature-based therapy for children with long term health conditions and associated psychological difficulties
An investigation in to different factors related to problematic smartphone use
An investigation into pre-sleep cognitive arousal
An investigation into trauma-informed care within mental health inpatient settings
Becoming a mother in 2020
Beyond everyday care:exploring the experience of foster carers in holding the stories and relationships of the children in their care
Black people’s experiences of therapy
Care delivery in the current NHS context
Developing a trauma-informed model of suicide risk management
Establishing global eligibility criteria for a diagnosis of autism in a sporting context: availability of assessments and views of an expert panel
Examining the fabric of mindful parenting and mindfulness-based parenting interventions
Experiences of parenting amongst people with intellectual disabilities in the UK
Exploring abstinence, recovery, identity and personhood in individuals engaging with addiction services
Exploring conservations about voice-hearing
Exploring cultural adaptations and the cultural fit of trauma-focused cognitive behavioural therapy
Exploring domestic violence and mental health
Exploring experiences of externalising and the anorexic voice
Exploring narratives of young LGBTQ+ people in physical health services
Exploring psychological wellbeing and quality of life in young people with narcolepsy
Exploring the link between trauma and psychosis from a power, threat, meaning framework perspective
Exploring the relationships between self-criticism and perfectionism with diabetes-related distress and management in a type 1 diabetes population
Exploring why people decline cancer treatment: perspectives from patients and psychologists
Exploring women's experiences of seeking help for mental health difficulties in the perinatal period
Family experiences of approaches for psychosis that include the family
Investigating turning points and facilitating eating disorder recovery
Investigation into olfactory memory in unique amnesia
Investigation into participation in dance groups for adults with learning disabilities
Measuring compassion in young people
Microaggressions in neurorehabilitation
Motivation-enhancing interventions for people with eating disorders
Queer women and minority stress
Shame and taboo in obsessive-compulsive disorder: implications for the cognitive-behavioural therapies
The acceptability of trauma-focused interventions
The experiences of women with intellectual disabilities around sex and intimacy: a thematic synthesis
Understanding professionals' experiences of endings
Understanding self-criticism from personal and professional perspectives
Working therapeutically by video call with couples, families and groups: a different world
“You can’t put the genie back in the bottle”: psychologists’ decisions around sharing lived experience of mental health difficulties at work