The University today launches the 2022 student digital experience survey - to find out more about how you use digital technologies and how this affects your student experience overall.

As part of this nation-wide survey, you’ll have the opportunity to tell us:

  • how you use the digital environment and services at Canterbury Christ Church University - what works well and what could be improved
  • the types of technology you think the University should invest in 
  • which digital channels you prefer us to use when communicating with you about university news and services.

By taking part, you can help us to further enhance your student experience. In response to previous student feedback about digital technologies, during the past year we’ve:

We know there are lots of competing demands on your time, so the survey should only take around 10-15 minutes to complete. Every completed entry will be entered into a prize draw to win an iPad or £100 in shopping vouchers.

How to take part

Students at Canterbury, Medway and Tunbridge Wells will receive an email to their CCCU email address this week, with the subject line 'Your chance to win an iPad or £100 (digital experience survey)'. So you know it’s genuine, this email will come from The email will include a unique link to the survey – this is individual to you, so please don’t share it with anyone or you won’t be eligible to complete the survey and enter the prize draw yourself.

The survey will close Thursday 22 December.

All information gathered will be kept strictly anonymous – at no point will any personal identifying information be shared with anyone. The information gathered will be used to inform University decisions regarding our digital provision and will not be used for marketing purposes.

To find out more about opportunities to have your say about all aspects of the University and your course, visit