It’s no secret that the cost-of-living crisis is in full swing. With what seems like everything increasing in price, it’s no wonder that a lot of you are worried about the cost of living at uni.

What’s more worrying is the headlines. With the media scaremongering the public about how unaffordable accommodation is for students, we’re not surprised if you’re hesitant about applying to uni.

But we’re here to bust some myths.

Yes, the cost of living is high right now – for everyone! And in order to do anything these days, whether you’re going to uni or going to work, we all have to be a little more sensible with our pennies.

To show that we’re not making this up (honest!), we interviewed George, a CCCU third year student who is studying Digital Media and Advertising.

Budgeting tips for students

“In all honesty, I don’t think that the cost-of-living crisis has been too impactful.

"I’m quite fortunate that I receive the full student loan and I work part-time as a social media content creator for the uni. I only work around six hours a week, but this extra money helps to fund my social life and helps towards the bills. And I can fit my shifts around studying, which is helpful.

"There are a few things I do to make sure that I don’t run out of money.”



1. Stick to the budget

“I have a pretty tight budget that I try to stick to. I figure out what I need to pay for each month and then I work backwards to find out how much money I have left once I’ve paid all my bills, food, rent, etc.

"Sometimes I go over my budget and sometimes I don’t. It all depends on what’s going on. I just have to be sure that I’m sensible and don’t go too crazy with spending money.”

2. Find cheap student accommodation

“This year, I found cheaper accommodation, which has really helped. I’m currently living in a house share with six other people. It was the cheapest combination I could find, and it’s saved me a lot of money.”

3. Buy in bulk and cook together

“Another thing I do each week is cook bulk meals that will last me for a few days. So, cooking cheap meals like chili and Bolognese is great because it’s cheap to make and you can freeze it.

"Cooking together is a good tip too. Once a month, me and my house mates get together to make fajitas, which is both fun and cheaper than cooking for yourself.”

4. Take advantage of the charity shops

“One of my hobbies is thrifting. Around once a week, I go to the charity shops in Canterbury. I also use Depop and Vinted because you can get some great clothes for not a lot of money.

"I think the majority of my wardrobe is second hand! Not to mention that it’s much better for the environment.

"And there’s nothing better than buying some new clothes and getting a new wardrobe.”

5. Get involved with the Uni

“CCCU has a lot going on when it comes to saving money and being financially savvy. They have a lot of information about handling your finances, and they have a Cost of Living Hub for students.

"You can also work for the Uni as a Student Ambassador, which will give you extra income.

"Personally, I’m currently making my own clothes using a vinyl cutter that I’ve borrowed from my lecturers. I wanted to give some t-shirts a new lease of life, and I’ve always wanted to open my own shop and make my own clothes, so this was a great opportunity.

"Thankfully, my lecturers let me borrow the vinyl cutter for a few days, and I’ve been able to create my own design and print them onto some old t-shirts.

"That’s what’s so great about CCCU – if you have an idea and the lecturers can help in some way, they will.”


George's t-shirt
George's t-shirt

Learning how to budget

George admitted that it took him a little while to learn how to budget and be sensible with his money.

Going to uni is a real learning curve. From living at home where you don’t have to worry about how much your food bill is going to be to being fully independent can be a shock to the system.

But at some point, we all have to take the plunge into independence.

“I 100% recommend going to uni. The fact that you get to live on your own and learn how to be independent is a great experience.

Yes, you can still live the student life even if there’s a cost-of-living crisis right now. Whilst it did take me a little while to learn how to effectively budget, it’s a skill that I’ve now mastered, and I haven’t been too affected by the rising costs of things.”

Busting myths about the cost-of-living crisis for students

So, there we have it. Myth, busted.

Whatever you do after you’ve finished school or college, your finances will most probably feel the squeeze. But at CCCU, you’ll have our support to help you navigate your finances in a financially healthy way.

Huge thanks to George for sharing his budgeting tips with us!