Explore. Enjoy. Energise.

Active Campus offers a wide range of activities designed to help you move, connect, and have fun. From our running club and walking group to the Couch to 5k (Headway) programme, the Moves app, and an array of sports sessions, there's something for everyone.

A group of men talking on a bench in sports hall

Discover a variety of sports at your pace

A women holding a ball

How to get involved

Sport sessions are held at various locations across the Canterbury Campus, offering a weekly timetable of activities for just £2 per session. You can book your spot via the Active Campus timetable or simply drop in and join in.

A group playing netball

Coming soon: Friendly competition, big fun

Coming soon we’ll see Active Campus Leagues, a new way to get casually competitive with Active Campus. Take on players just like you in a fun league created to make memories and have a laugh.

A group playing netball

Active Campus Intros

Active Campus Intros are beginner-friendly courses that teach you the basics of a sport, from rules to techniques, so you can jump in with confidence.

Courses typically run over several weeks, with sessions lasting 1–2 hours.

Check out the latest intros under our Events section.