PhD Student Profile


Jo Mockeridge

PhD Student

School: School of Law, Criminal Justice and Computing

Campus: Canterbury


Profile summary

Before enrolling on the PhD programme I completed the BSc (Hons) Applied Criminology at CCCU and an MSc in Criminal Justice Policy from the London School of Economics winning the Mannheim Prize.

Project title

A study into the extent to which youth justice strategy since 1997 has achieved responsibilisation of young offenders and their parents.

Research outline

My Phd is an exploration of the experiences of youth justice practitioners in Youth Offending Teams working with young offenders from 1997 onwards. The research will focus on efforts to introduce greater responsibility on young people for their behaviour and will examine the perceptions of ‘responsibilisation’ from research participants who are tasked with enforcing these policies. The objectives of the research are to describe and analyse participants’ understanding of responsibilisation and to compare and contrast these with the conceptions presented in academic and policy literature.


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Last edited: 15/12/2018 11:06:00