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Blackboard Collaborate Ultra (or simply 'Collaborate') is the University's virtual classroom/web-conferencing tool. 

Collaborate can be used to host online sessions containing up to 250 people all accessing from their own devices and from their own location. Use it for online classrooms, 1 to 1 tutorials, group work and more! Sessions are created and led by Moderators (often staff) and may contain slides, interactive tools, and sharing of audio/video which Attendees (often students, but any audience) can then follow along live. Refer to the sections below for 'how-to' guides and further useful documentation.

Why we like Collaborate

  • No software downloads necessary, built into Blackboard courses (where enabled by a Moderator)
  • Opens in-browser - please use Google Chrome for the best experience
  • Works with most headphone, headset, microphone, and webcam types
  • Sessions can be recorded by the Moderator and made available to Attendees afterwards
  • Excellent for hosting sessions across a distance or where attendees can't be in the same physical space
  • Guest links to sessions can be shared with those outside of the University to join in too
  • Blackboard offer 24/7 Collaborate Support for users who experience issues whilst using the service. Click Chat with Collaborate Support from the bottom corner of your screen to get started