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Turnitin is text similarity checking software used by universities worldwide to educate students about using sources with integrity and to deter plagiarism.

The University uses Turnitin for electronic submission (e-submission) of work.

This online service also allows you to upload draft versions of your assessments prior to final submission, and is designed to help you and your tutors check your work for originality and help guard against plagiarism. 

By using/submitting to Turnitin, you agree to the terms listed in the Turnitin User Agreement.

University Standardised Turnitin Set-Up

A consistent University-wide Turnitin set up requires that;

  1. All Turnitin Assignments must be created within module Blackboards in a central Assessments area.
  2. There must be at least two draft Turnitin Assignments per module for students to use.
  3. There must be a separate folder for final submissions for each assessment using Turnitin, within which there must be separate submission points for on time and after deadline submissions.
  4. There must be a separate folder for reassessment, within which there are sub-folders for each assessment, again each containing separate submission points for on time and after deadline submissions. This should appear beneath the initial assessment folders.