Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, FE Level 2, FE Level 3
Min 20 - Max 60
1 Hour
University Campus or Online/Virtual delivery

Students will develop their understanding of the CDIO (conceive, design, implement, operate) process which underpins CCCU’s progressive approach.

In this interactive two-hour workshop with an academic and/or postgraduate ambassadors, students will develop their understanding of the CDIO (conceive, design, implement, operate) process which underpins CCCU’s progressive approach to computing and engineering learning. Students will deepen their understanding of a user-centred design process as they create a user persona to test the suitability and effectiveness of a pre-determined product/service and critically examine the extent to which the service/product meets the needs of the intended audience.

 Curriculum Links:

  • Computing (Key Sage 4/ Level 2) – efficient and effective programming
  • Computer Science (Key Stage 5/ Level 3) – project management solutions
  • Computer Science (Key Stage 5/ Level 3) – heuristic programming

Gatsby Benchmarks:

Workshop: 1, 3, 4, 7

Taster Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7

Make it a Taster Day: Includes a campus tour and HE information talk. You can choose this when you complete the booking form.