Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Key Stage 5, FE Level 3
Min 10 - Max 30
1 Hour
University Campus or In your School or College or Online/Virtual delivery

In this masterclass with an academic and/or ambassadors, students will develop their knowledge of studying Games design at university.

In this fast -paced interactive one-hour masterclass with an academic and/or ambassadors, students will develop their knowledge of studying Games design at university. They will have opportunity to experience being a Games playtester, working on games actively in development. Students will use the testing model and questions used in university assessments.

This immersive experience enables students to experience supports them to develop their understanding of what it's like to be a part of this creative community, learn what has inspired other students, and find out more about career pathways available to them in the games industry.

The masterclass can be extended into a longer two- to four-hour workshop providing students with opportunity to develop their skills in area such as 3D modelling, programming, music, writing and 2D game art.

Curriculum Links:

  • Creative Media Production (Level 3) – game genres and design considerations
  • Art & Design: Graphic Communication (A-Level/ Level 2/3) - Respond to an issue, concept or idea, working to a brief
  • Design Technology (A-Level/ Level 2/3) – 3D Modelling
  • Music Technology (A-Level/ Level 2/3) – Creating music to a brief

Gatsby Benchmarks:

Masterclass: 1, 3, 4, 7

Taster Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7

Make it a Taster Day: Includes a campus tour and HE information talk.