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Dr Sarah Christie

Senior Lecturer and Academic Sessional

School of Humanities & Educational Studies and School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Senior Lecturer and Doctoral Supervisor in Education

I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Humanities and Educational Studies. I hold a PhD in Psychology and Mental Health but now consider myself to be Social Scientist with a special interest in people's experience of engagement with Education and Educational institutions.  I currently work part-time, focusing on supervision of doctoral, masters and undergraduate students. My main academic interests lie in the exploration and potential for alleviation of social inequalities within this person-educational institution dyad, particularly in relation to three key areas: migrancy, motherhood and additional educational needs.

I have worked as a university lecturer since 2000 and have experience of teaching and supporting students across a wide range of topics. This includes Research Methods (quantitative and qualitative), Social Psychology, Psychology of Education and  Inequalities in Education.

Inequalities in education
Parents' involvement in education
Special education needs
Motherhood and education
Migrant women and education

Research Projects

  • ‘An investigation to explore how gentle teaching can be embedded and sustained in a school culture.’. Researcher(s): Mr Paul Gorham. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Christie, Dr Judy Durrant. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • 'Co-production confusion: An exploration of parent and SENCO experiences of participatory decision-making in the management of Education, Health and Care plans.'. Researcher(s): Ms Lorna Hughes. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Christie, Dr Sue Soan. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • A tender cut: The parents’ voice. How parents of autistic adolescents, without intellectual disability (‘ID’), who self-harm and have suicide ideation, navigate and access support for themselves as parents.. Researcher(s): Ms Janine Hamilton. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Christie, Dr Alison Ekins. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An alchemical inquiry into the experience of embodying the wise woman archetype. Researcher(s): Ms Debra Deaville. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Christie, Dr Simon Wilson. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis: Exploring the experiences of four special education teachers in demonstrating resilience and the identities impacting their performance in Algeria.. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mrs Fay Chambers. Supervisor(s): Dr Alison Ekins, Dr Sarah Christie. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mrs Lorna Linton-Hemmings. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Christie, Dr Ruth Rogers. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • How Might Communication Help Practitioners in Loss and Grief Counselling?. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Is my mind my own? Inside managing self-diagnosed insomnia in a mixed economy: A critical autoethnography. Researcher(s): Mrs Anne Martin. Supervisor(s): Professor Douglas MacInnes, Dr Sarah Christie. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Preventing and countering CSE in SE Kent school-based peer mentorship schemes. Researcher(s): Professor Robin Bryant, Dr Sarah Christie, Mr Rob Heaton, Dr Katarina Ozcakir Mozova, Ms Becky Thomson. [Project report]
  • Romanian students' experiences at UK universities: student experience and perception of ''valuable'' education. Researcher(s): Miss Alex Sivriu. Supervisor(s): Dr Anne Chant, Dr Sarah Christie. [Postgraduate Research Project]

I am committed to supporting local organisations which work to alleviate inequalities and promote the rights and opportunities of marginalised groups. Most recently (2016-2023) I held the position of Non-Executive Director and Research Advisor to 'Beyond the Page', a social enterprise based in East Kent concerned with improving social integration of migrant women.

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Thorne & Fynden (THf06), Canterbury and Thorne & Fynden (THf06), Canterbury

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