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Ms Polly Bolshaw

Senior Lecturer and Academic Sessional

School of Humanities & Educational Studies

Senior Lecturer in Early Years

I am a Senior Lecturer in Early Years where I have been teaching on the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies programme since 2012. Prior to that I completed my MA Early Years (New Leaders in Early Years) and Early Years Professional Status (EYPS) at CCCU and worked as an Early Years Professional at a Sure Start Children's Centre.  In 2014 I gained a PGCLT HE (Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education). 

I have taught at CCCU since 2012 on programmes such as BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies, FD Professional Studies in Early Years, BA Early Years Leadership, FD and BA Early Childhood Education and Care, MA Early Childhood Education, and the Education Foundation Year. Currently I teach on the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies programme, with a particular interest in supporting undergraduate students to develop their understanding of research in early childhood.


My research interests are around what are appropriate pedagogies for young children, particularly in relation to their digital identities, issues around gender, and access to the outdoors and nature. I am also interested in how undergraduate ECS students develop their understanding of research in early childhood.

Research Projects

  • Using Wearable Technology to Explore Freedom with Guidance in Outdoor Nursery Environments. Researcher(s): Dr Karen Vincent, Dr Marianna Papadopoulou, Ms Polly Bolshaw. [Project]

I am a member of OMEP (The World Organisation for Early Childhood) UK. In a voluntary capacity I am also a primary school governor, a committee member of NCT Medway, a committee member of a local PTFA, and a leader at two stay and play groups for families with children aged up to five.

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Contact me

Rowan Williams Court (RWs18), Medway and Rowan Williams Court (RWs18), Medway

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