As Academic Lead in the Academy for Sustainable Futures I have responsibility for supporting sustainability education, research and advocacy across the University. My own research is focused on sustainability education across ages and phases.
Academic Lead, Academy for Sustainable Futures
As Academic Lead in the Academy for Sustainable Futures I have responsibility for supporting sustainability education, research and advocacy across the University. My own research is focused on sustainability education across ages and phases.
I have a particular interest in postgraduate teaching and have previously worked as School Director of Graduate Studies as well as Course Director for the MA Early Childhood Education. I am an experienced supervisor and examiner for both taught Masters and research degrees (MA by Research, Ed D and PhD).
My research interests are focused on the inter-relationship between education and sustainability across ages and educational phases.
Much of my research explores young children’s relationship with the natural environment. Recent projects funded by the Froebel Trust focus on outdoor provision for babies and toddlers ( ) and the potential of Nature Engaging and Nature Enhancing (NENE) pedagogies (
I am also interested in the relationship between sustainability and Higher Education and am the co-editor of the 2024 Routledge book 'Good Education in a Fragile World: The Value of a Collaborative and Contextualised Approach to Sustainability in Higher Education.
I am a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and have a particular interest in sustainability education.
I have led a range of Consultancy and Knowledge Exchange Projects including with Kent Wildlife Trust, The Bay Trust, Dandelion Time, The Froebel Trust and Bore Place.
I co-led the Sustainability in Higher Education (SHE) network with the University of Plymouth.
I am currently:
Educational Advisor to the Harmony Project
Member of the Early Years Coalition (and involved in the development and dissemination of Birth to 5 Matters sector guidance)
Member of the European Early Childhood Research Association (EECERA) Special Interest Group on Early Childhood Education for Sustainability