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Dr Marios Kostas

Senior Lecturer

School of Humanities & Educational Studies

Dr Marios Kostas is the course director for the MA Education and a senior lecturer in Early Childhood Education.

Marios is the course director for the MA Education and a senior lecturer in Early Childhood Education. Since joining CCCU, Marios has taught in several programmes within the School of Arts, Humanities and Education [i.e., BSc (Hons) Early Childhood Studies, BA Early Childhood Education and Care, MA Early Childhood Education, MA Education, and the doctorate programme in Education].

Marios teaches a range of modules at both undergraduate (BA Early Childhood Studies, BA Early Childhood Education and Care) and postgraduate levels (MA Education, MA Early Childhood Education, and Education Doctorate), including Research Methods and Methodologies, Gender Issues in the Early Years, Critical Issues in Early Childhood. He also supervises Masters and Doctoral students working in the fields of sociology of education and gender studies and would be keen to hear from any prospective students interested in working on topics in this area.

Marios has a doctorate in Social Psychology of Education from the UCL Institute of Education and is a senior fellow of HEA (Advance HE). Prior to working for Canterbury Christ Church University. Marios lectured at higher education institutions in the UK and abroad and trained and taught in primary schools in London. 

Marios's research interests lie in the areas of gender and sexuality. Working with feminist, queer and post-humanist approaches, his current research explores gendered and sexual subjectivities across diverse institutional sites and public spaces. He is particularly interested in what it means to be a gendered child and how this is understood by children themselves. Other research foci include: LGBTQ, spatiality and schooling; power/knowledge; gender and curriculum.

Current Research Projects
A new materialist approach to gay masculinities, femiphobia, and homophobic bullying
Gender Differences in Classroom Interaction.
Gender Representations in Chinese Textbooks of Primary Education

Research Projects

  • A comparative, qualitive study exploring male early years practitioner’s and parent’s constructions of ‘caring masculinities’ and how this influences men’s care practices, professional identities and pedagogies. Researcher(s): Mr Adam Parker-Steed. Supervisor(s): Dr Marios Kostas, Dr Christian Beighton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Challenging Perceptions about Critical Thinking': researching the nature and development of criticality through the eyes of Algerian doctoral students in the UK. Researcher(s): Mrs Thiziri Zidouni. Supervisor(s): Dr Christopher Anderson, Professor Adrian Holliday. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Global Trends, Local Contexts: Ideological Positions and their Impact on Early Childhood Education Practices in Algeria. Researcher(s): Miss Bochra Tari. Supervisor(s): Dr Christian Beighton, Professor Berry Billingsley. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Male and Female Secondary Teachers' Experiences of Working Flexibly in England: A Narrative Inquiry.. Researcher(s): Mrs Hannah Duncan. Supervisor(s): Dr Marios Kostas, Dr Nicola Kemp. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (Advance HE)
Member of the International Professional Development Association (IPDA)
Member of the Early Childhood Studies Degree Network
Academic External Adviser for Postgraduate Education & Childhood and Youth in the School of Education, Childhood, Youth and Sport at the Open University. 
Associate Editor of Sage Open Journal