Professor Carolyn Oulton

Prof Carolyn Oulton is Co-Director of the International Centre for Victorian Women Writers and teaches across Creative and Professional Writing and English.

Carolyn Oulton is Professor of Victorian Literature and teaches across Creative and Professional Writing and English. She is Director of the International Centre for Victorian Women Writers (ICVWW) and Co-Lead for the Digital Humanities project Kent Maps Online at, in collaboration with JSTOR Labs. 

I have taught at CCCU since 2002, on undergraduate and postgraduate courses as well as supervising and acting as external examiner for PhD students. 

My publications include poetry and biography, as well as monographs and essay collections on Victorian literature and literary culture. My research interests include: the New Woman; the Victorian seaside; Dickens and literary pilgrimage; place-based reading. My current research is on the Victorian culture of shared reading.

Research Projects

  • 'An Orphic exploration of the ineffable through the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke. Researcher(s): Ms Sinead Fitzgerald. Supervisor(s): Dr Peter Watts, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Beach City Canterbury: Creative and Craft Workshop. Researcher(s): Professor Carolyn Oulton, Dr Susan Civale. [Project]
  • Class based study of female masculinity from first to second wave feminism. Researcher(s): Ms Jan Dunn. Supervisor(s): Dr Mitch Goodrum, Dr Dave Hitchcock, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mrs Lizzy Duffield-Fuller. Supervisor(s): Dr Susan Civale, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Alyson Hunt. Supervisor(s): Dr Susan Civale, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Nihad Laouar. Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Humphries, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Going in Circles: Changing perceptions of the Arctic through literary and visual representations in the Long Nineteenth-Century. Researcher(s): Dr Jacqueline Stamp. Supervisor(s): Professor Carolyn Oulton, Dr Peter Merchant, Professor Peter Vujakovic. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • How might a new approach to the production of Neo-Victorian writing, using experimental creative writing, historic material research, and ‘reenactment’, help resolve the tensions between creativity, imagination, and historical accuracy in the genre? What does the personal experience of neurodivergence add to the processes and outcomes of this approach to historical creative writing?. Researcher(s): Miss Elizabeth Waterman-Scrase. Supervisor(s): Dr Sonia Overall, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Let’s do the time walk again! Exploring the East Kent Coast through digital heritage.. Researcher(s): Professor Carolyn Oulton, Mrs Michelle Crowther. [Project]
  • Moving through uncertainty with George Meredith. Researcher(s): Mrs Sylvia Hornsby. Supervisor(s): Professor Carolyn Oulton, Dr Simon Wilson. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Not simply a ‘literary editor’ 1 : reassessing Rose Weigall as a writer of women’s stories and an advocate for women’s agency.. Researcher(s): Mrs Elizabeth Earl. Supervisor(s): Dr Susan Civale, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Quantifying and Qualifying Inventorised ‘Heirlooms’: A reconstruction of the material legacy of the Hammond Family of St Albans Court Nonington 1551 – 1938 including a searchable dataset.. Researcher(s): Mrs Victoria Stevens. Supervisor(s): Dr Claire Bartram, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Recovering Thomas Anstey Guthrie (1856–1934): Genre and Geography. Researcher(s): Miss Hayley Smith. Supervisor(s): Professor Carolyn Oulton, Dr Christian Beighton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The ‘Strange’ Disappearance of Henrietta Stannard: Rediscovering the Life and Work of John Strange Winter, a fin de siecle celebrity. Researcher(s): Mrs Toni Atkinson. Supervisor(s): Dr Susan Civale, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The Mission of Mary Eliza Haweis (1848-1898). Researcher(s): Miss Laura Allen. Supervisor(s): Professor Carolyn Oulton, Dr Susan Civale. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The New University in Post-War British Literature. Researcher(s): Mr Daniel Vince. Supervisor(s): Dr Andrew Palmer, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The Persistent Scribblers Society: an 1870s writing society and its association with Canterbury and the Church of England.. Researcher(s): Mrs Michelle Crowther. Supervisor(s): Dr Susan Civale, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The Pilgrim-Writer: The transformative potential of the language arts and pilgrimage – an embodied investigation of self, drawing on theory and practice, including my own direct experience of contemporary pilgrimage and ‘languaging’.. Researcher(s): Ms Victoria Field. Supervisor(s): Dr Sonia Overall, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The Voices of Ellen Courtenay- the Life and Work of Ellen Courtenay as Madame Helene Steinberg- Actress, Appeal Memoirist, Lecturer and Poet.. Researcher(s): Mrs Trina Willis. Supervisor(s): Dr Susan Civale, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The YA novel: a conduit for exploring female disempowerment and self-identity, as demonstrated through the experiences of children of d/Deaf adults (CODAs) and of d/Deaf young adults. Researcher(s): Ms Lucie Bowins Roberts. Supervisor(s): Dr Sonia Overall, Professor Carolyn Oulton. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Partnership with JSTOR Labs on Museum partners include the Dickens Museum in Broadstairs. Trustee of the Canterbury Commemoration Society.