This how-to guide will demonstrate how to create a staff profile for each member of staff to showcase research, publications, interests etc as well as contact details.

Who can use this feature?

When you look at a staff profile page on the website what you are seeing is an aggregation of data and content that comes from several different sources.

Some, but not all, of this data can be controlled and edited using Contensis (the University content management system). The Faculty Operations teams and the Content team have access to the editable portions of a staff profile. 

  • Faculty Operation Team
  • Content Team

Checking Human Resources data

To confirm that a colleague’s information (name, position, department, contact details) are correct in StaffSpace, go to and search for the name of the person you want to check.

If the search results are either incorrect or the name does not appear, report to

Screenshot of StaffNET header with people search highlighted
First, use the people search in StafNET to check colleague’s information

Please note

There are two main profile types that can be displayed on the external website:


These profiles, subject to data being available from within StaffSpace, will automatically be available for display on the external website.

Professional service/support

This profile type needs to be applied for by the profile owner to his or her line manager via email. Once the application is received and considered, the line manager then needs to either:

  • Reject the application – Reply to the applicant
  • Flag the profile data within People Manager. To do this, log in to the applicant’s details and check the Professional Staff Profile Required box as indicated below
Tick this box in People Search
Tick this box in People Search

Create a staff profile page

Profiles Key Data content type

This is a mix of Human Resources and Organisational Development database data and CCCU Research Space Repository (Haplo) integrations. Any apparent changes made here will be reset daily. 

  1. Resource Id, Name, Title, First Name, Preferred Name, Surname, Professional Surname, Pre-nominal letters, Job Position, Primary Telephone Number and Email Address are pre-filled fields (read-only). For any changes, contact Human Resources and Organisational Development.
  2. Research projects and Publications auto-filled from the CCCU Research Space Repository (Haplo) research database.
  3. In Profile Narrative, open Staff Profile content type entry to edit further personal details (see below)
Screenshot of staff profile example
Generic profile information is dynamically pulled from the HR database and found in the Profiles Key Data content type
Screenshot of staff profile associated schools and courses
Links to associated schools, departments and courses are manually added.

Staff Profile content type

The Staff Profile content type is editable by the Faculty Operations teams or the Content team. This allows you to provide a picture and some text content to give more detail about a staff member and their activities at the University. 

  1. ResourceId and Name are pre-filled fields (read-only) any changes contact Human Resources and Organisational Development.
  2. Add a Profile image. The image will automatically be displayed within a circle.
  3. In Intro add a brief intro (156 max characters). This will be displayed in staff listing components and Google search results.
  4. Add Summary content - use this box to provide a brief overview of a staff member.
  5. Add Teaching content - use this box to outline the courses a member of staff teaches on and any other details you want that relate to this person's teaching. 
  6. Add Research content - use this box to give an overview of this staff member's research interests. This will display above the content integrated from CCCU Research Space Repository (Haplo). If research is featured in CCCU Research Space Repository (Haplo), please do not add it in this area as the information will then display twice. Please try to ensure that as much research as possible is added to the CCCU Research Space Repository (Haplo) site. It is important for staff and the University that research is included in CCCU Research Space Repository (Haplo) as it will then contribute to our REF submission. 
  7. Add External activities content - use this box to give details about external activities this member of staff is involved with. This may include affiliations or industry links.
  8. Add Social Profile links - click to add component. Use the drop-down to select the desired social media channel and then paste in the link for that account. You can add several accounts by adding a new component for each one. 
Screenshot of personal information
Personal information displayed in tabs can be edited in the Staff Profile content type