Sidebar Subsection links enable you to show where within a website section a browser is. A hub page will sit at the top of a list of links and sub-pages will sit below, each of which is clickable for quick and easy navigation.


Sidebar Subsection links
An example of a Sidebar Subsection links component

When adding subsection links, you will typically add a heading above followed by the component itself. Commonly, web editors will add a heading that says something along the lines of ‘In this section’. 

Sidebar Subsection links in the backend of Contensis.
Sidebar Subsection links in the backend of Contensis

To create Sidebar Subsection links, do the following:

  • Add the component within the Sidebar Content area
  • If a relevant Sidebar Subsection links component already exists, click on the “+ Select a data: hub landing links” button and search for it before clicking on it to add it to the page
  • If a relevant component does not already exist, click on the link to create a new component
  • Give it a reference title which notes the site area and theme of the links so it is easy to find in future
  • Click “+ Add component”, add a relevant title and then select the relevant entry, which will come from a landing page content type
  • In the backend of Contensis, a built Sidebar Subsection links area looks like this: 
An example of a Sidebar Subsection links component

Remember: If you are editing an existing Sidebar Subsection Links component, it will change wherever it is displayed on the website, so ensure this is taken into account before publishing.

Component in action

Save and preview your page before publishing. Here’s an example page with the component under the heading 'In this section'.