In-page navigation allows you to link out to hub landing content types or about us landing pages. It is typically used as a way of helping users navigate back to an area’s homepage from a sub-page.


In-page Navigation wireframe
An example of an In-Page Navigation component

Adding in-page navigation is a simple process involving just a couple of steps:

  • Add the component to the sidebar content
  • Click the green button “+ Select entries”
  • Search for and choose the page you want to link back to.
The in-page navigation component in Contensis.
The in-page navigation component in Contensis

You will almost always choose from an existing entry within Contensis when creating in-page navigation, but it is possible to create a new page entry if required.

Component in action

Save and preview your component and publish once you are happy with it. Here’s an example page with the component under the heading ‘Postgraduate routes’.