We want to use our influence to create positive change, strengthening the communities around us and forging meaningful partnerships across the region.

Inspiring through education

This year’s Ofsted results reflected our unwavering commitment to improving educational outcomes in the south east, rating us as ‘Good’ in the primary, secondary, and further education and skills age phases. The report recognised the hard work, innovation, and commitment of our staff to making a positive difference to young people across the region.

We have been working with over 50 local schools for over a decade, and support a diverse range of innovative outreach activities. This year we supported the Primary Engineers Leaders Award competition as the south east partner, an initiative which aims to inspire a new generation of engineers through helping children design their own technological solutions to real-world problems.

We also led on the Change Makers project, which encourages young people to enhance their reading and writing by engaging with big questions raised by current social issues.

2023 Primary Engineers winners with their certificates
The Primary Engineers Leaders Award winners for 2023 - congratulations to everyone!

Driving social and economic change

We signed the One Medway Charter, a historic agreement which brings together organisations to harness opportunities and address challenges in key priority areas, such as education, sustainability, and health, in order to deliver real, tangible benefits for people in areas that have faced a lack of investment and development.

The One Medway Charter signing group with the charter
Creating opportunities in Medway with the One Medway Charter.

Did you know?

This year, we also signed a new partnership with Discovery Park, in Kent, which aims to supercharge STEM talent, research and enterprise.

A royal visit

HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh formally opened our new Verena Holmes Building in 2023, a vital hub for STEM education, innovation and research in the south east.

Duchess of Edinburgh speaking at the Verena Holmes building opening
HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh opening our new Verena Holmes Building.

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