
The primary function of the Procurement Team is to advise departments how to achieve value for money when ordering goods and services on behalf of the University.

Who we are

We lead on the implementation of the University’s Procurement Strategy and oversee transactional purchasing processes using a variety of e-Procurement tools including Procurement to Pay (P2P) and an e-Marketplace.

Canterbury Christ Church University purchases goods, works and services from the private, public and voluntary sectors to meet corporate objectives and to provide high quality and cost effective services to its students and staff.

All procurement within the University is carried out in accordance with legislation, legal requirements, financial regulations, Procurement Policy and procedural guidance.

The University is committed to working effectively with its suppliers and promoting opportunities for organisations from all sectors to work with the University. Procurement for the University must always be undertaken with the objective of securing maximum value for money consistent with acceptable standards of quality and service.

The University believes in the benefits of collaborative purchasing and is a member of a number of frameworks including Southern Universities Purchasing Consortium (SUPC)

Suppliers who wish to be considered for future University contracts are encouraged to register their details in full on the University's e-tendering portal, Mercell UK. Once registered suppliers will be able to view past, present and future opportunities and receive notifications when new contracts are available.

Details of our awarded contracts over £25,000 are published on Contracts Finder.

Our activities:

  • Developing & implementing the University’s procurement strategy
  • Negotiating preferred supplier agreements
  • Managing e-Procurement systems
  • Working with departments to improve their procurement processes and supplier management programmes