
We currently work with other university research centres such as the Centre for Health Services Studies (CHSS) at the University of Kent, public sector NHS / clinical organisations such as East Kent Hospitals University Foundation Trust (EKHUFT), and third sector groups such as ukactive, to ensure that our work is both informed by – and subsequently informs – as broad a range of stakeholders as possible.

Whilst our research findings to date indicate that IET has the potential to make a significant positive impact upon public health from a number of perspectives, we feel that further research is required before the ultimate goal of achieving recognised status as a hypertensive therapy can be reached. Therefore, we would welcome contact from anyone interested in helping to achieve this goal, be it through helping to fund our research programme in this area, joining forces to establish an evidence based approach or acting as participants in our ongoing data collection.

For further information contact Dr Jim Wiles

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Last edited: 17/10/2019 10:13:00