CCPR annual conference: Time for change? Reflections on the Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales

Verena Holmes
General, Social and Applied Sciences
Tuesday 13 (12:00) - Wednesday 14 September 2022 (16:00)

ccpr conf 2022 2

View and download presentations, agenda and abstracts - go to  Day 1 and Day 2.

In March 2022, the Police Foundation published the Strategic Review of Policing in England and Wales. The report made 56 recommendations for reform and suggested these would produce a modern police service capable of meeting 21st century challenges.  Sir Michael Barber, Chair of the Review, observed:

As a society we should have the confidence to believe we can build a low-crime, low-harm society in which citizens of all backgrounds and perspectives can lead their lives and pursue their aspirations without fear of crime or becoming its victims. The root-and-branch reform agenda we have set out for policing in this report shows how that can be done. What Sir Robert Peel said in 1828 applies again now. If we want to restore public confidence and shift the odds in favour of the law-abiding citizen, we should not hesitate to usher in a new era in policing; “The time is come…”

The conference brought together academics and practitioners to consider some of the issues identified in the report. The conference asked whether it is time for change, and the list of impressive speakers considered if and how meaningful change can be achieved in line with the report’s recommendations.   

To access information about presenters, their abstracts and presentations please go to Day 1 and Day 2.


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Last edited: 31/10/2022 14:17:00