Back to SCE activities
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Key Stage 3
Min 10 - Max 30
30 minutes or part of a 4 hour taster day
University Campus or Online/Virtual delivery or In your School or College

How is a lecture different to a seminar? What is it like moving into halls? This session aims to introduce KS3 students to life at university.

In this 30-minute talk with the school and college engagement team and/or student ambassadors, students will develop their understanding of what it is really like to study at university. Students will deepen their knowledge of  the opportunities at key stage 4 as well as post-16 options and lay important ground works into what to expect from university life, as well as have the opportunity to ask their questions during the Q&A.

Curriculum Links:

  • CIAG – Understanding the relevance of their qualifications at Level 2 and 3 to future career paths
  • CIAG – encounters with higher education and development of their understanding of future study options

Gatsby Benchmarks:

1, 2, 3, 4, 7


School and College Engagement