Back to SCE activities
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Key Stage 3
Min 10 - Max 30
2 hours
In your School or College or University Campus

Students create a fictional character which they take on a journey through school, further education, university, and the working world.

In this interactive 2 hour workshop with the school and college engagement team and student ambassadors, students are given the task of creating a fictional character which they will take on a journey through school, further education, university, and the working world.

Students will develop their understanding of progression routes from GCSE, through to further and higher education, using a range of literature and guidelines, eventually following their student through into a career of their choice. At the end of the session, students will present their character’s journey and explain decisions taken at various stages of their educational life.

Students may have opportunity to visit our industry level/ purpose built facilities for a range of subjects (such as professional TV studio, performance spaces, criminal justice and healthcare suites and STEM facilities) as part of an organised campus tour.


Curriculum Links:

  • CIAG – Understanding the relevance of their qualifications at Level 2 and 3 to future career paths
  • CIAG – encounters with higher education and development of their understanding of future study options

Gatsby Benchmarks:

1, 2, 3, 4, 7