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Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday
Key Stage 4, Key Stage 5, FE Level 2, FE Level 3
Min 10 - Max 30
1 hour
University Campus or In your School or College

This masterclass will develop students understanding of how the design and layout of the built environment can impact on crime and the fear of crime.

In this fast-paced one-hour masterclass with an academic and/or postgraduate ambassadors, students will develop their understanding of how the design and layout of the built environment can impact on crime and the fear of crime. Students will be introduced to the five points of Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design and deepen their understanding of the issue by applying their knowledge to real life examples of design that help prevent victimisation.

Curriculum Links:

  • Sociology (Key Stage 4/ Level 2) – Criminal and Deviant Behaviour
  • Sociology (key Stage 5/ Level 3) – Crime and deviance (crime control and prevention)
  • Forensic and Criminal Investigation (Level 3) – applications of criminology
  • Professional Construction Practice (Level 3) – Design the Built Environment

Gatsby Benchmarks:

Masterclass: 1, 3, 4, 7

Taster Day: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7

Make it a Taster Day:

Includes a campus tour and HE information talk. You can choose this when you complete the booking form.

School and College Engagement