Yen Chen

Dr Yen Chen

Senior Lecturer

Christ Church Business School

I am the Finance course director.

I joined the CCCU in the year of 2013. Based on my work experience in the financial service industry, I believe that an important aspect of teaching is to enhance students' employability in job markets. As the Finance course director, I am involved in managerial and administrative issues in the Accounting, Economic and Finance section.  

I also teach several modules in accounting and finance. I have a Master degree in finance and a Ph.D degree in finance, both of which were awarded by the University of Aberdeen. I am a fellow of the Higher Education Academy UK. I had work experience in the finance service industry, including working in a commercial bank and then an investment bank. Before joining the CCCU, I was a lecturer in the University of Derby. I have publications in finance journals, e.g. Applied Financial Economics, Journal of Asset Management, and China Economic Review. 

The modules I am leading include Foundations of Finance, Financial Management for Accountants, and International and Multinational Finance. I also have experience in teaching economics, statistics and econometrics. 

I am specialised in quantitative finance. My research interests include time series modelling, financial asset pricing, and the linkage of financial markets and real economies. 

I had memberships in professional associations, e.g. British Accounting and Finance Association, Academy of Economics and Finance. I was involved in peer reviews for several journals, e.g. Applied Financial Economics, Applied Economics, Journal of Economics and Finance, Frontiers of Economics in China. I was invited for talks in China and Taiwan, e.g. a talk at the Northwest University of China, a talk to teachers at Shaan Xi Province Zha Shui Middle School.