Mrs Vikki Schulze

Director of Curriculum & Quality in the School of Teacher Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Education.

As Director of Curriculum & Quality, Vikki has strategic oversight of the School of Teacher Education’s academic portfolio. Vikki works closely with the Head of School, School Director of Learning & Teaching, Faculty Director of Quality and colleagues leading the four directorates in the School of Teacher Education: Primary ITE; Secondary ITE; Further Education & Skills; Professional Learning. Vikki's role is to help ensure the courses within the School of Teacher Education meet university and PSRB requirements, leading work on course development and associated policies and processes to maintain the integrity and appeal of our academic portfolio offer. This includes external inspections.

Prior to this role, Vikki was Head of Primary and Early Years ITE, leading a team of teacher educators engaged in training over 600 students each year through a variety of undergraduate, postgraduate full time and part time routes.

Since joining CCCU, Vikki has taught across a range of Undergraduate and Postgraduate Primary ITE courses. Teaching has included Professional Studies, Professional Placement, Alternative Learning Experience, Primary Languages and Research modules. Vikki has also supported many students as their PAT and Link Tutor. Vikki led the Bilateral Trainee Teacher Exchange Programme for a number of years before leading the PGCE Primary course as Course Director for 4 years.

Before joining ITE at CCCU, Vikki's career in primary school teaching and leadership included positions in both Key Stages 1 and 2. Vikki was appointed Lead Teacher for Primary Languages across a consortium of schools and have additionally led Geography and Music as subject co-ordinator in schools. Vikki has also mentored both home and European student teachers, initially joining CCCU as a part-time associate tutor leading the German language teaching modules for Postgraduate Primary provision and Primary Languages GTP provision.

Vikki's Ph.D thesis focussed on exploring children's experiences of instructed foreign language learning in the primary school, drawing on her professional and personal interests. Vikki's other research interests include CLIL and Integrated Language Learning, Intercultural Understanding and Curriculum Development.

Within the School of Teacher Education Vikki has participated as a researcher in the CCCU Jubilee Teacher research project and been actively involved with two funded European projects: EAT (Eating Abroad Together) and EMP-L (the European Music and Language Portfolio). Vikki has also led two TDA funded Integrated Language Learning Projects and two ROUTES into Languages funded projects in the local area. Vikki's MA(Ed) investigated the impact of an Integrated Language Learning project on pupil, student and teacher motivation.

Prior to joining CCCU, Vikki completed a nationally funded Best Practice Research Scholarship introducing Primary Languages into Key Stages 1 and 2.

Research Projects

  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr David Stalley. Supervisor(s): Mrs Vikki Schulze, Dr Gemma Van Vuuren-Cassar. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Vikki is an External Examiner for the MEd course at Dundee University which includes a specific focus on its TESOL pathway. Vikki is also a Trustee for Thanet Endeavour Learning Trust.

Vikki continues her musical interests as organist at St Mary in Castro, Dover, a position she has now held for some 35 years.

Vikki has previously been parent governor, foundation governor and Vice Chair of Governors at a local primary school. Vikki is a member of the Association of Language Learning, previously establishing and leading the Primary Hub for the Kent Association for Language Learning in Canterbury.