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Dr Toni Wright

Reader & Research Supervisor

School of Nursing

Toni is a Reader in the School of Nursing, within the Faculty of Medicine, Health and Social Care.

I contribute to the learning and teaching on the Health Foundation Year and lead the FMHSC level 7 research modules. I am Module Lead for the level 7 Dissertation module and am the Faculty Director of Post Graduate Studies. Before working at Canterbury Christ Church University, I worked for the local council on a Department of Health funded public health initiative for older people, and prior to that for 10 years for a charity supporting asylum seekers, refugees, and migrants. I have a PhD from the University of Kent in Women’s Studies and MA degrees, also from the University of Kent, in Methods of Social Research and Women’s Studies. I have an BA in Women’s Studies from Lancaster University. During my degrees, I studied aboard in the Netherlands at Nijmegen University and in the USA at the University of California, Santa Cruz. 

I have been lecturing in higher education since 2009. I am a fellow of Advance HE and have a Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education.  I facilitate and assess learning on the interprofessional Apprenticeship Provision (Nursing), for which I am also a Personal Academic Tutor. My role also involves leading the faculty interprofessional MSc Research Modules - comprising Enhancing Care Through Research and the Dissertation Module, and am responsible for the running and teaching of the Dissertation module within that provision. I have experienced PhD supervisor status.

Research interests & Supervison

Do you want to do a research degree? Are you interested in Medicine, Health and Social Care or related topics? Then I would be pleased to hear from you.

I hold Significant Responsibility for Independent Research (SRIR) status and was returned in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework. My main areas of research include public health, health inequities, health policy, arts for health and wellbeing, mental health, and older people’s health and wellbeing. I also have an interest in learning and teaching in higher education and have published a number of paper in relation to this. My primary theoretical expertise is in women’s and feminist studies, and in the application of critical theoretical frameworks on gender, race and the politics of affect and identity. My PhD thesis was a feminist cross-cultural ethnographic study exploring the resettlement experiences of migrant women in the UK.

Research Projects

  • 'Disability Trouble?': exploring autoethnography and policy analysis to question the work capability assessment used as a gateway to social security in the United Kingdom.. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • A scoping review of staff training and education needs. Researcher(s): Dr Anne Martin, C. Jackson. [Project report]
  • An evaluation of Fellowship in Improving Healthcare. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Any Heroine's Journey: A Qualitative Exploration of Women's Empowerment through Intersectional Identities in Swale.. Researcher(s): Mrs Christine Locke. Supervisor(s): Dr Toni Wright, Professor Eleni Hatzidimitriadou. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • CASCADE baseline review of current partner technology enabled care service (TECS) initiatives and proposal for a collaborative evaluation strategy. Researcher(s): C. Jackson. [Project report]
  • Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Executive report: A retrospective analysis of the ZorgSaam model of long-term home and residential care for older adults. Researcher(s): Dr Anne Martin, Dr Raymond Smith, Professor Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, Miss Irina Sangeorzan, Dr Sabina Hulbert, Dr Toni Wright. [Project report]
  • Community areas of sustainable care and dementia excellence in Europe (CASCADE) - Final report: A process and technology evaluation of the CASCADE programme in the United Kingdom implementation sites. Researcher(s): Dr Anne Martin, Professor Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, Miss Irina Sangeorzan, Dr Raymond Smith, Dr Toni Wright, Miss Nikki Price, Professor Konstantinos Sirlantzis. [Project report]
  • Decolonising social work education. A critical analysis of Eurocentric curricula in the Zimbabwean context of Ubuntu. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • EMPOWERCARE: EMPOWERing individuals & communities to manage their own CARE. Researcher(s): Professor Eleni Hatzidimitriadou, Dr Toni Wright, Miss Michelle England, Mr Thomas Thompson. [Project report]
  • Investigating EFL students’ use of vocabulary learning strategies in an Algerian context. Researcher(s): Mrs Chahira Fortas. Supervisor(s): Dr Diana Freeman, Dr Kevin Balchin. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Primary care strategic workforce planning programme. Researcher(s): C. Jackson, Dr Toni Wright. [Project report]
  • Queer Expressions: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of how Irish Gay Men discuss sexuality with Healthcare Practitioners. Researcher(s): Dr John Gilmore. Supervisor(s): Dr Toni Wright, Professor Douglas MacInnes. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Queering the sick room: A queer feminist narrative inquiry into the lived experience of lesbians with cancer. Researcher(s): Dr Paula Kuzbit. Supervisor(s): Dr Toni Wright, Professor Douglas MacInnes. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Social justice and nursing undergraduate student internship. Researcher(s): Dr Paula Kuzbit, Dr Toni Wright, Professor Douglas MacInnes. [Project]
  • The effects of COVID-19 pandemic and social restrictions on pregnant women with mental health & learning disabilities (prenatal and post-partum). Researcher(s): Ms Mahrooyeh Hadizadeh. Supervisor(s): Dr Jacqueline Wier, Dr Toni Wright. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The impact, efficacy and quality of Trans and Gender non-conforming (TGNC) teaching within pre-registration adult nursing education in the UK. Researcher(s): Miss Marissa Dainton. Supervisor(s): Dr Toni Wright, Professor Janet Melville-Wiseman. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Expert Panellist for The Dunhill Medical Trust

External examiner for Oxford Bookes University

Visiting Research Fellow at School of Human and Health Sciences, the University of Huddersfield

Fellow of Advance HEMember of Feminist Studies Association – UK & Ireland

Member of Women in Academia Support Network Group (WIASN)

Member of WHEN (Women’s Higher Education Network)

Reviewer and editorial board member for a range of peer review academic journals