As the Lead Mentor (Secondary ITE) I work collaboratively with university-based and school-based colleagues to ensure and assure that ITE trainees receive an excellent placement experience. This includes taking a strategic lead on the development and implementation of robust quality assurance mechanisms related to in-school mentoring and coaching. I also play a role in the contribution to course development following the DfE award as accredited providers of ITE courses from 2024.
My Main Responsibilities are:
To make a significant contribution to the leadership of mentoring by leading this area of provision through developing and maintaining a strategic approach to the allocation of placements, link tutoring and supporting mentor quality assurance.
To lead on the training and quality assurance of mentors, recording attendance and ensuring all mentors engage with the training and that this is built into approaches to quality assure the placement experiences of students.
To lead and manage phase-specific communications with schools and mentors, with the Head of Section, including maintaining the mentor website. In collaboration with Course Directors, ensure all placement documentation is maintained and available.
To ensure DfE statutory compliance criteria are met for all secondary student placements. Oversee the allocation and quality assurance of all placements in liaison with course curriculum tutors and the partnership team.
To analyse and evaluate placement experiences, mentoring, link tutoring and partnership work through a range of means and share the outcomes to support development.