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Mr Stuart Lambert

I joined CCCU in 2019 as a Senior Lecturer in Product Design and became Course Director for Product Design Engineering for the following academic year.

I have worked for CCCU since 2019 and arrived following a long career in design consultancy, design & business management.

In 2011 I studied for an MBA to make sure I had all the necessary commercial skills to improve my work as a Managing Director a role achieved from about 2008. I helped grow a business to £11M turnover, managing and motivating a multi-departmental team until the business was sold by the owners in 2012.

From 2012 to 2019 I ran a start-up business which developed the Crosshead folding bicycle from concept through to production, including R&D and Product design engineering while based in an East Kent factory. 

UCAP & PGCAP teacher training was undertaken via a part time course at CCCU during 2019-20 and I achieved Fellowship of the HEA in 2021.

As part of my 0.8 part time role I undertake Industrial liaison activities and meet with manufacturing and engineering companies to discuss potential CDIO lecturer / student, research or consultancy projects.

There is also a current discussion regarding a Phd researching; ‘Teaching product design to BEng engineering students: combining design with engineering skills in working as a Product Design Engineer’.

I attend an annual conference; the Engineering, Product Design & Education conference (EPDE) for which I have a paper to write titled; Sustainable living in a diverse habitat; A Product Design Engineering study from a Human Factors perspective.

My research field is:

Teaching product design to BEng engineering students: combining design with engineering skills towards working as a Product Design Engineer and lecture on ‘Fundamentals of Drawing’, ‘Introduction to Engineering’, ‘Human factors in Design Systems’ & ‘Rapid Prototyping’.

Research Projects

  • Design Pedagogy for China Education initial research considerations (initial review of literature, ethics considerations, potential research methods). Researcher(s): Miss Yufan Zheng. Supervisor(s): Professor Anne Nortcliffe, Mr Stuart Lambert, Dr Hany Hassanin. [Postgraduate Research Project]

I maintain a level of professional design activity which sometimes relates to my previous design development project with the Crosshead folding bike.

I also maintain contact with my professional accreditation body for product & Industrial design, The Chartered Society of Designers.