
Ms Sophie Faulkner


School of Allied and Public Health Professions

Sophie is passionate and driven in the functional delivery of knowledge to paramedic students and committed to enhancing practice and the student journey.

  • BSc (Hons) 1st Class., MCPARA., FHEA., PGCAP., PhD StudentWorking experience within the Military, Police and NHS.
  • Paramedic Science BSc (Hons) Course Director, Module Lead, Partnership Research Engagement.

I am dedicated to the transfer of knowledge and enthusiasm for research within the Paramedic discipline, whilst enhancing the scholarship of level 4, 5 and 6 student paramedics. My current research focuses are 'the practice of resuscitation decision making in the pre hospital environment', 'Paramedic student transition to practice' and 'safeguarding Paramedic mental welfare'. 

This will be my fourth year of teaching at CCCU. My previous employment has been public facing, where I have spent time empowering client groups to achieve autonomy. 

Psychological vulnerability and suicidality within the ambulance service: a review Ms Sophie Faulkner, (02 Dec 2023): Journal of Paramedic Practice. [Journal article]