Sharon Good

Mrs Sharon Good

Lecturer in Psychology

School of Psychology and Life Sciences

I am a Lecturer in Psychology and joined CCCU in 2016. I am the Level 4 Year Co-ordinator and School Lead for ED&I. My research focuses on ‘mind-mindedness’

I joined the Psychology department as a University Instructor in 2016 and was appointed as Lecturer in 2022. My PhD research considered the relational and dispositional characterisation of Mind-mindedness (the proclivity to use understanding of others mental states to explain and describe behaviour). It focused on examining the relationship between relational qualities, individuals’ dispositional qualities and participants (non-parent and parent adults) mind-mindedness.

I teach on a variety of modules, including developmental psychology, family studies, emotion studies, and statistics, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. I have school-wide responsibility for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (ED&I) and serve as the Level 4 Year Co-ordinator

I am a Lecturer in Psychology and I am an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. My specialist knowledge lies within the domain of developmental psychology. As such I deliver content to level 4, 5, and 7 students. I also deliver a L6, optional cognitive psychology module that focuses on emotion, cognition and regulation.

I regularly deliver statistics lectures on the use of non-parametric tests to undergraduate students. I also work with colleagues in the Design undergraduate degree to deliver a Psychology and Graphic Design collaborative project. I supervise undergraduate and post graduate research projects which draw on topics from developmental and cognitive psychology, supporting students to produce high quality dissertation masters theses.

My research interests focus on mind-mindedness, an individual’s proclivity to use understanding of others mental states to explain and describe behaviour. My PhD included two quantitative studies, with non-parent and parent adult samples. I examined the association between relationship qualities (such as closeness, intimacy, and attachment), dispositional qualities (such as language, and theory of mind), and participants mind-mindedness. I am preparing findings from my thesis for publication and plan to pursue questions generated by my investigations.