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Scott Turner

Dr Scott Turner

Teaching modules in Artificial Intelligence, problems-solving and computer system for over 20 years.

Developed a set of outreach activities that bring engineering, computing and waste management together around robot and robot-like activities.
Research interests include mobile robotics; problem-solving; computer-related pedagogy; Genetic Algorithms and Neural Network Applications; Signal Progressing.

Before moving into computing I worked as a research engineer in the medical field.

PRoblem-solving and Programming

Artificial Intelligence

Computer systems



mobile robotics; problem-solving; computer-related pedagogy; Genetic Algorithms and Neural Network Applications; Signal Progressing.

Supervised over 13 PhD students to completion.

Professional Membership

Fellowship of the Royal Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (FRSA)


Member of the British Computer Society




Research Projects

  • Developing Explainable AI Systems for the Predictive Analysis in Heath Domain. Researcher(s): Mr Abdellah Bouchama. Supervisor(s): Dr Amina Souag, Dr Ali Jaddoa, Dr Scott Turner. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Digital Transition in Healthcare from Covid-19: Impacts and Models. Researcher(s): Miss Rosa Aparicio Nogues. Supervisor(s): Dr Mandy Qi, Dr Scott Turner. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • DISTRIBUTED SWARM INTELLIGENCE FOR LARGE SCALE DYNAMIC DATA CAPTURE AND ITS ANALYTICS. Researcher(s): Mr Oliver Prior. Supervisor(s): Dr Vijay Sahota, Dr Hannan Azhar, Dr Scott Turner. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Malicious comment analysis in online newspaper sites using AI approaches. Researcher(s): Mr Nima Movassagh. Supervisor(s): Dr Scott Turner, Dr Amina Souag, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Reducing gender imbalance in undergraduate computing courses. Researcher(s): Ms Tina Eager. Supervisor(s): Dr Georgina Zimbitas, Dr Scott Turner. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Smart and Secure Tele-Neurorehabilitation Framework. Researcher(s): Mr Danny Smith. Supervisor(s): Dr Hannan Azhar, Dr Soumya Manna, Dr Scott Turner. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Steganography detection using ML. Researcher(s): Ms Angela Rees. Supervisor(s): Dr Hannan Azhar, Dr Scott Turner. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Towards a Sustainable and Circular Economy: Harnessing Immersive Technologies and AI for Eco-Innovations, Pro-Ecological Transformation, and CSR-Driven Initiatives in the Southeast of England. Researcher(s): Ms Gabriela Matei. Supervisor(s): Professor Abdullahi Ahmed, Dr Leishi Zhang, Dr Scott Turner. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Trustworthy AI for Ambient Assisted Living. Researcher(s): Mrs MERLIN KASIRAJAN. Supervisor(s): Dr Hannan Azhar, Dr Scott Turner, Dr Leishi Zhang. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • VR technologies as a pedagogical tool. Researcher(s): Mr Tim Jackson. Supervisor(s): Dr Scott Turner, Professor Anne Nortcliffe. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Young coder Competition - one of the founding members.

Read more of my research.