Ms Sarah St-John

Senior Lecturer

School of Teacher Education

Current teaching roles include Module Lead on the PGCE Flexible course, Professional Studies modules and Primary History.

I have worked in ITE for 20 years both at CCCU and previously at a London University.  Teaching roles reflect my interests in Primary pedagogy and Primary History. Previous roles have included course director for PGCE Flexible, placement tutor for the year 2 and year 3 BA Primary Education course and on the PGCE Flexible course. The focus of my MA was on mentoring and coaching and how we can best support students whilst on teaching placements. I have also supported the Mentor Development Programme providing CPD on the role of mentoring and coaching within school.

I was a primary school teacher for 15 years in London. I taught across the primary age range from nursery to year 6. A specific area of interest was in how to develop an inclusive environment for children with English as an Additional Language.

My research focus follows on from my MA studies in how a coaching approach can support students' professional practice.

I am a member of the Primary History Association.