Dr Sarah Lieberman


School of Law, Policing and Social Sciences

Postgraduate Lead - School of LPSS. Course Director MSc Security & IR. Senior Lecturer in Politics and IR. International Convenor for Politics and IR.

I have been a member of the Politics and International Relations team since completing my PhD in 2007. I am passionate about student learning, and constantly seek new and innovative teaching and learning methods.

My research work is on outer space and the politics and international relations of space and I have published widely on this and on the politics and regulation of genetically modified foods and crops. i Regularly attend conferences and workshops on outer space politics.

I am co-convenor of the BISA working group of Astropolitics (AWG), a steering group member of the ESSCA Space Policy Research group, a member of both the ISA and UACES, and I am on the Editorial Committee of the journal ERIS (European Review of International Studies).

I work closely with the international office to provide international experiences for students, in terms of exchanges, study abroad schemes and field trips. I also provide political commentary for several radio stations, most frequently BBC Radio Kent and Times Radio. 

I currently teach a 3rd year module titled Contemporary Security and two Masters modules - Contemporary Security:

Theory and Practice, and Research Methods. I have in the past taught undergraduate modules on the following: Introduction to the European Union, Comparative Politics, Global Governance, Introduction to Politics and International Relations, International Political Economy, Critical Issues in Politics, and  European Law.

My research is focussed on outer space, specifically looking at the regulation and commercialisation of the space sector. I have also carried out research on the security aspects of outer space, particularly with reference to the military uses of navigation and positioning satellite constellations such as GPS and Galileo. I have edited two collected volumes on space, published by Routledge: European Space Policy in 2019, and The Commercialisation of Space in 2023.

Research Projects

  • A contemporary insight into Islamist extremist radicalisation and an exploration of the effectiveness of prevention and reformative strategies. Researcher(s): Mr Daniel Blanchfield. Supervisor(s): Dr Erika Brady, Dr Katarina Ozcakir Mozova, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • A critical analysis of online dispute resolution of E-commerce disputes in the Nigeria: The current legal challenges and recommendations for better practice. Researcher(s): Mrs Chiamaka Igwe. Supervisor(s): Dr Emo Pearce, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • A REVIVAL OF INTERNATIONAL COMITY TO CATER FOR THE CHALLENGES POSED BY THE INAPPLICABILITY OF THE NEW YORK CONVENTION ON INVESTMENT COURT AWARDS. Researcher(s): Miss Jennifer Okotume. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Lieberman, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Assessing the Impact of Participatory Action Research on Police Perceptions and Engagement with Homeless People – The Homelessness Project. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Crime in the British Army during the Great War: Violence, Drunkenness, and Theft. Researcher(s): Mr Peter Burrows. Supervisor(s): Dr Martin Watts, Dr Simon Prince. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Deep Impact: Policy-relevant space research beyond STEM. Researcher(s): Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Project]
  • DID YOU JUST MAKE THAT UP? AN AUTO-ETHNOGRAPHIC INVESTIGATION INTO THE EMERGENCE/GENERATION OF IMAGES IN PAINTING, AS SITUATED WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF C20TH BRITISH ART. [NB. Also, candidate to decide whether C20TH is appropriate given that he is working in C21ST. Candidate should be consulted for final title]. Researcher(s): Mr Charles Williams. Supervisor(s): Dr Tim Long, Professor Shane Blackman, Dr Jonathan Barnes. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Dr Max Stafford. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Lieberman, Professor David Bates. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Home or away-(re) negotiating identity through living in the ‘in-between’: A qualitative investigation of the Kurdish diaspora in the United Kingdom. Researcher(s): Mrs Chra Mahmud. Supervisor(s): Dr Christopher Anderson, Professor Adrian Holliday. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Hybrid Warfare: An Examination of How Russian Foreign Policy since the Annexation of Crimea has Accelerated the Evolving Nature of Contemporary Warfare and Security (2014-Present). Researcher(s): Mr Thomas Knight. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Lieberman, Professor David Bates. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Is it a Transformation? Exploring the English Academic Writing Experience at UK Universities among the Algerian Multilingual PhD Students and Me as a Participant-researcher. Researcher(s): Ms Naoual Rahmani. Supervisor(s): Dr Diana Freeman, Dr Christopher Anderson. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Malicious comment analysis in online newspaper sites using AI approaches. Researcher(s): Mr Nima Movassagh. Supervisor(s): Dr Scott Turner, Dr Amina Souag, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Multidimensional Factors in Conflict Resolution: A Case Study of Northern Ireland and the 1998 Good Friday Agreement. Researcher(s): Ms Chloe Doherty. Supervisor(s): Professor David Bates, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • People not just books: An investigation into the knowledge and experience of Trauma Informed Practice in the Justice System. Researcher(s): Miss Catherine O'Neill. Supervisor(s): Dr Katarina Ozcakir Mozova, Dr Martin O'Neill, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Private versus public Interests in International Investment Law: A need for reform through a human rights perspective.. Researcher(s): Miss Petrena Notice. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Lieberman, Professor Robin Bryant. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Revisiting The Fair and Equitable Treatment Provisions in Pakistani IIAs. Researcher(s): Miss Zahra Fatima. Supervisor(s): Dr Emo Pearce, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Saving Lives or Protecting Borders? An Analysis of EU Policies towards Irregular Migration in Libya and Niger from 2015 to 2020.. Researcher(s): Miss Kumba Krubally. Supervisor(s): Dr Laura Cashman, Professor Susan Millns. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Secessionist agitations and their impact on Nigeria’s corporate existence: the study of the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB). Researcher(s): Mr Gabriel Oduh. Supervisor(s): Dr Dele Babalola, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • SPACE TECHNOLOGY AS A CENTREPIECE FOR ADDRESSING NIGERIA’S DOMESTIC CHALLENGES AND STRENGTHENING ITS REGIONAL POWER. Researcher(s): Mr Kehinde Abolarin. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Lieberman, Dr Laura Cashman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Taxation of Digital Platforms in Nigeria.. Researcher(s): Mrs Obianuju Ochinanwata. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Lieberman, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The Impact of Behaviour Detection Officer Training on proactive policing.. Researcher(s): Miss Mary Bolton. Supervisor(s): Dr Katarina Ozcakir Mozova, Dr Tara Dickens, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The interaction between peace and state building mechanisms, and their utilisation within the context of the Syrian Civil War.. Researcher(s): Mr NICK COLEMAN. Supervisor(s): Professor David Bates, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The Politics of Place and Identity: the Territorialisation of the Labour Party. Researcher(s): Ms Jo Rothery. Supervisor(s): Professor David Bates, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The professional development of state and corporate criminal investigators and governance processes that oversee these arrangements. Researcher(s): Ms Niamh Smith. Supervisor(s): Dr Sarah Lieberman, Professor David Bates. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The professional development of state and corporate criminal investigators and governance processes that oversee these arrangements. Researcher(s): Mr Stewart Hill. Supervisor(s): Dr Martin O'Neill, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The role of vigilante community based policing and police reform in Nigeria. Researcher(s): Mr Iyah Iyah. Supervisor(s): Dr Perry Stanislas, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • The title needs amending to add a sub-heading relating Kent? It is up to the candidate to come up with the wording.. Researcher(s): Ms Hellen Frost. Supervisor(s): Professor Dominic Wood, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • This research will focus on the different political perspectives of democracy based on J. Rawls and J. Habermas.. Researcher(s): Mr Iwry Pestana. Supervisor(s): Dr Demetris Tillyris, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Towards an intersectional theory of emancipation.. Researcher(s): Miss Lillian Woolgar. Supervisor(s): Professor David Bates, Dr Demetris Tillyris, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • UK Foreign Aid Programme in the East African Region (Uganda and Kenya): a justification for a new regulatory framework. Researcher(s): Miss Clare Nalukwago. Supervisor(s): Professor Dominic Wood, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Unlocking Catalonia’s National Identity ‘Deadlock’: a Social Psychological Examination of Nationhood, Unionism and Secession in the Region.. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Unpacking the Multifaceted Effects of Brexit on British National Identity: Unity, Division, and the Future of Citizenship. Researcher(s): Ms Kamalakhanim Aghazada. Supervisor(s): Professor David Bates, Dr Laura Cashman, Dr Sarah Lieberman. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Sarah Lieberman "Throwing the baby out with the bath water? Brexit. space and what comes next." ESSCA Annual Conference Canterbury 19th April 2018
  • Sarah Lieberman “The EU’s space strategy: to what extent can the EU provide and promote an autonomous space and (space) security policy?” UACES Annual Conference Krakow September 2017
  • Sarah Lieberman “Brexit and the UK Job Market” UACES Annual Conference Krakow September 2017
  • Sarah Lieberman “Satellite Security: hegemonic defence structures and their impact on the European Union” BISA Annual Conference Brighton June 2017
  • Sarah Lieberman “European Space Policy: Trump, populism and autonomy” ESSCA Annual Conference Cambridge April 2017
  • Sarah Lieberman “Space Popularisation and Cultural Imperialism” Presented at the UACES Annual Conference London September 2016
  • Sarah Lieberman “From Lippershey to Rosetta: Europe’s Contribution to the Popularisation of Space” Presented at the ESSCA Annual Conference Rome April 2016
  • Sarah Lieberman “Strange Spaces: An International Political Economy Analysis of Space Exploration” Presented at the 2015 UACES Conference Bilbao September 2015
  • Sarah Lieberman “Comitology: EU Actorness on agricultural biotechnology: what lies beneath?” Presented at the 2015 UACES Conference Bilbao September 2015
  • Sarah Lieberman “How Supermarkets Decide What We Eat: The Curious Cases of GMOs and Horsemeat” Presented at the 2014 UACES Conference, Cork, 2nd September 2014
  • Sarah Lieberman “Integrating formative assessment into curriculum based learning” Presented at The 1st European Conference on Teaching and Learning Politics, International Relations and European Studies, Maastricht, 27th June 2014
  • Sarah Lieberman “Using Facebook as a Learning Tool” Presented at the Teaching European Studies Post-Lisbon Conference, London Metropolitan University, 12th May 2011
  • Sarah Lieberman, Anthony Zito “Government and Governance in European GMO Policy” presented at the Brocher Foundation Conference ‘Regulating Next Generation Genomics: Emerging Agricultural Biotechnology Governance Challenges’, Geneva, Switzerland, 8-9 July 2010.
  • Sarah Lieberman, Tim Gray and AJR Groom “Moratorium: in search of a concept in an environmental context” Presented (by AJR Groom) at the International Studies Association Annual Meeting Pontifical Catholic University, Rio de Janeiro Campus (PUC-Rio), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Jul 22, 2009
  • Lieberman, S and Taylor, K (2005) “Participatory Decision Making: A comparative analysis of the public debates on GMOs conducted in France and Britain” Conference paper presented July 2005, Interdisciplinary Net Conference: Environmental Justice & Global Citizenship
