Dr Rahaman HASAN

Senior Lecturer in Global Business

Christ Church Business School

Dr Rahaman Hasan

Rahaman Hasan, is a PhD from University of Essex, UK. His specialisation in PhD is Entrepreneurship. Rahaman is an active researcher with specific interest in Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurial Behaviour, Street Food, SMEs, Marketing and UK Higher Education (UKHE). Rahaman has over 16 years work experience in the UKHE, which includes extensive experience of teaching, assessment and quality assurance in the sector. Furthermore, providing academic training and workshops to academics and  professionals is his special skill.


Academic interest:  

  • Entrepreneurship,
  • SMEs,
  • Teachers training,
  • Assessment and quality assurance,
  • Quality assurance in academia,
  • Management and leadership and research 



  • PhD in Entrepreneurship, University of Essex, UK
  • MA in Strategic Marketing, University of Greenwich, UK
  • BBA in Marketing, Independent University Bangladesh, Bangladesh


Management and Leadership

  • MBA in General Management, University of Wales, UK
  • Diploma in Business and Admin, UK



  • Social Entrepreneurship, University of Oxford, UK


Education and Training

  • Senior Fellow at Advance HE, SFHEA (formerly known as the Higher Education Academy)
  • Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector (PTLLS)

Undergraduate teaching:

Business Decision Making, Change Management, Organizational Behaviour, Marketing Principles, International Marketing, International Marketing Strategy, Marketing Planning, Business Strategy, Strategic Planning, Sales Planning, Operations Management, Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management, Launching A New Venture, Identifying Entrepreneurial Opportunities, The Developing Manager, Business Communication, Customer Service, Marketing Process & Planning, Research Project, Research Methods, Dissertation.


Postgraduate teaching:

Business Strategy, Brand Creation and Management, Developing Corporate Culture, Strategic Planning, International Marketing, Strategic Change Management, Professional Development for Strategic Manager, Developing Strategic Management and Leadership Skills, Research Methods for Strategic Manager, Research Methods, Dissertation. 

Academic Articles:  

Razzak, B.M., Idris, B., Hasan, R., Saridakis, G. and Hansen, J.M., 2023. The impact of Covid-19 on struggling ethnic minority entrepreneurs' business strategy: the case of Bangladeshi curry houses in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJEBR-05-2021-0389  

Papé, N., Hasan, R. and Islam, M., 2021. Transformation Experiences During the Covid-19 Pandemic: Higher Education Institute (HEI) Case Study. Journal of Contemporary Development and Management Studies, 9 (1), pp. 113 – 118.  Weblink: https://londonchurchillcollege.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/LCC-Journal-Volume-9-Number-1-Spring-2021.pdf  

Hasan, R., Chowdhury, D. and Mitra, J., 2017. Impact of Innovative, Productive and Ethical Entrepreneurship in the food industry of developing economy: a comparative literature review. Procedia of economics and business administration, 4 (1), pp. 190 – 197. DOI: 10.26458/v4.i1.21 (Index: RePEc, OCLC WorldCat and ResearchBib)  

Kosturova, E. and Hasan, R., 2014. Contribution of strategic human resource management to achieve competitive advantage in FedEX. Journal of Contemporary Development and Management Studies, 2 (2), pp.30 – 43.    

Hasan, R., 2012. Causes of employee job dissatisfaction in higher education industry. A case study of London ABC College (Private). Journal of Contemporary Development and Management Studies, 1 (1), pp.14 - 21.  

Hasan, R., 2012. Factors to Consider in Social Marketing: A Perspective from South Asian Developing Country (Bangladesh). Journal of Contemporary Development and Management Studies, 1 (1), pp.44 – 80.  

Book Chapter: Ahammad, T. and Hasan, R., 2015. A comparative Study of health and safety provisions and their impacts on profit and non-profit organisations. Reconnecting universities with the discourse of sustainable inclusive growth, pp. 147-160. London: Routledge, Taylor and Francis. DOI: 10.47556/B.DIASPORA2015.12

Research Projects

  • Harnessing Big Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence for Consumer-Centric Innovation: A Sustainable and Agile Framework for Emerging Economies. Researcher(s): Ms Mehvish Syeda. Supervisor(s): Dr Rahaman HASAN, Mr Puneet Tiwari, Professor Richard McManus. [Postgraduate Research Project]