
Professor Peter Vujakovic

I am Emeritus Professor of Geography, with research interests in landscape and heritage, cultural geography, cartography, and biogeography.

I am actively involved in research on cultural landscapes and heritage, and maps in education, I formerly taught across a range of human and environmental geography themes in the BA/BSc Geography and BSc Environmental Science degree programmes and continue to provide guest lectures at CCCU.

I am involved in a range of initiatives linked to the university's sustainability agenda, with special interests in education for sustainable futures, heritage and biodiversity on campus. I authored the Green Heritage Manifesto.

I conceived and developed the university's 'Bioversity Initiative' - the creation of a unique 'sense of place' associated with Christ Church's location within the Canterbury UNESCO World Heritage Site (St Augustine's Abbey) and the stewardship of its green spaces. I am also the editor and contributor to the Christ Church Heritage A-Z - please visit for an informative and entertaining introduction to Canterbury's heritage! 

Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Special interests in education for sustainable futures and biodiversity.  

Undergraduate teaching (pre-retirement):

  • Investigating Landscapes
  • Biogeography and Landscape Ecology
  • Geography and Geographers
  • Tenerife fieldcourse
  • Space Place and Politics
  • Regions of Risk.  

Postgraduate (continuing): PhD Supervisor in Geography and in Archaeology.

Cartography: Geopolitics and cartography; maps and national identity; news media cartography; disability mapping; world mapping and development education (see publications)

Biogeography and landscape ecology: Disturbance ecology, especially storm damage to woodland systems (see publications)

Cultural landscapes: Landscape studies; cultural landscapes and biodiversity (including cemeteries; see recent publications)

Scientific reconstructions (images of' deep time'): images of plant life, animal life, prehistoric peoples (see publications)

Currently working with Dr Ellie Williams (Archaeology) as the supervisory team for an Arts & Humanities Research Council Partnership Award PhD with MOLA (the Museum of London Archaeology)

I am one of a team of three who have set up the Meaningful Maps project - a project researching children's ideas about their locality through maps. The aim of the project is to involve children from diverse backgrounds and geographical settings to find out what places matter to them. The project is supported by the Geographical Association and Canterbury Christ Church University and endorsed by the British Cartographic Society. Meet the team at -

Research Projects

  • Doctoral Research Project. Researcher(s): Mr John Hills. Supervisor(s): Dr Alex Kent, Professor Peter Vujakovic. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Effects of chromium contamination on the soil microbiome and phytoremediation potential of crop plants. Researcher(s): Mr Christopher Ferguson. Supervisor(s): Dr Naomi Rintoul-Hynes, Professor Peter Vujakovic, Dr Phil Buckley. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • Going in Circles: Changing perceptions of the Arctic through literary and visual representations in the Long Nineteenth-Century. Researcher(s): Dr Jacqueline Stamp. Supervisor(s): Professor Carolyn Oulton, Dr Peter Merchant, Professor Peter Vujakovic. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Mathematics Teacher Education as a Scientific Discipline: Demarcation, Theoretical Foundation, Classroom Applications, Implications on Teacher Education Or Towards Efficient Mathematics Teacher Education: A Framework for PCK. Researcher(s): Mr Yaser Al-Hams. Supervisor(s): Professor Berry Billingsley, Professor Peter Vujakovic. [Postgraduate Research Project (past)]
  • Shifting sands: Understanding volunteer engagement and legacy of community archaeology projects in coastal East Kent. Researcher(s): Mrs Grace Conium Parsonage. Supervisor(s): Dr Ellie Williams, Professor Peter Vujakovic. [Postgraduate Research Project]
  • UK CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENERGY POLICY UNDER THE CONSERVATIVES SINCE 2010:MULTIPLE-ELITISM OR NEO-PLURALISM?. Researcher(s): Dr ASMAA KADDOUR-TREA. Supervisor(s): Dr Matthew Ogilvie, Professor Peter Vujakovic, Dr Jennie Bristow. [Postgraduate Research Project]

Member of the ICA (International Cartographic Association) Commission on the History of Cartography.

British Cartographic Society (BCS); Associate Editor and former Editor-in-chief of the BCS's Cartographic Journal. and former Chair of the BCS Publication Committee. Editor and frequent contributor to Maplines, the magazine of the BCS, and the Bulletin of the Society of Cartogaphers (UK).

  I am an expert contributor to The Times Comprehensive Atlas of the World and The Times Concise Atlas of the World. I also contributed to the volume on twentieth century mapping, part of the major six volume History of Cartography project based at the University of Wisconsin -  

I was a commissioning editor (with Dr Alex Kent) and author of several chapters for the Routledge Handbook of Mapping and Cartography (published 2018). The handbook included contributions from a wide range of international contributors.